I am
Shirono and I will be playing Abe Takaya.
You may know me in fandom from such films as "Her First Oofuri Fanfiction Was Like Twenty Chapters Long, WTF," "Hey, It's that Woman who Draws Mihashi Naked With Thigh-High Sports Socks," "Always Writing Personal Journal Entries About How Abe Takaya is Gay and Awesome," and "Silly Woman Can Pretend She Didn't Draw That Ridiculous Abe/Miha Doujinshi and Share it With the World, but She Did."
Totally did.
This is my first time RPing (if you ignore the spontaneous Akira Touya/Hikaru Shindou RPing I began with
comixologist hours before starting here, LOL) so please be gentle with me, and I'll do my best to familiarize myself with the rules and nuances of RPing.
Since we're so nuanced here, and all. Just kidding.
So, I love the hell out of this place already, and I love all of you. And I especially love Akimaru, because he understand's my Takaya's pain. I wasn't going to play Abe as a total creeper, but the opportunities keep coming up, so I hope you all don't mind his occasional (and debatably in character? You tell me.) untoward thoughts pointed at Mihashi. It's totally IC because Abe will never, ever take advantage of Mihashi's outrageous naiveté. Just fantasize about it.
But no fear, I'm not just all about Abe/Mihashi. I'm about yelling at Haruna, glaring at Izumi when he says something sardonic, harassing Hanai for being a fatty being so easily manipulated into having a complex about Tajima, being hung up about how Haruna never apologized, forming a cameraderie with other catchers, getting to know Kanou, accidentally exacerbating Mihashi's abandonment complexes, and complaining about Haruna.
I don't think I missed anything.
Oh! And not being obsessed with Haruna. How could I forget.
Love and kisses,