I did this whole thing with toothpicks and q-tips.
And I made it up. Well, Nick said the phrase once. But I made up the picture.
It's amazing what girls will get a girl to do. I've been shaving (and I actually have a system now that DOESNT make my legs and arms hurt like hell), and doing all this weird..."do this and it does this to your skin/hair/teeth". I exfoliated my god damn lips, for crying out loud. I did a lot of stuff. Why? Because that's what girls do to make themselves pretty. And, I like it when girls try and look nice. Not like, over the top, but take care of themselves. Then it occured to me, that since i like that, other girls would want it too. And, I'm not doing it to get a girl. I've already pretty much got a girl. Meaning, I've stopped looking, we're going to try and get things to work out. And she doesn't mind me when I don't shave, and such. But, it's like....I want to. Which is weird. It makes me want to work out more, drink more water, pay more attention to what i eat. How I sit.
haha, and she's really beautiful. ^_^ Imma lucky girl.
This is assuming it'll work out, but I think it will.