May 30, 2007 16:10

i am who i am today
because of the choices
i made with education.
the choice made to
follow my mum, sis and brova to
LEAVE singapore again
for homeground
to go to college.
i was a D average all my life.
i was a B student.
not that i believe
in the letter system
to begin with,
but for me it says something.
now i must publicly say this.
i thank Bak for talking to me
about college
and D about grabbing ambitions.
even though it was
never a serious thought
it was always there.
thanks mum for paying
for my tuition.
my first semester of books.
and the ride to the campus that you
and Fad gave me.
and thanks to mom again
for threatening me enough to pass.
and most of all.
i am going to thank me.
for fucking doing it all.
cheers, me.

i have started working
and will be doing
my education program
for my Masters next year.
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