Jun 06, 2009 01:48
I need to do well. A "best-case" scenario for my grades would be:
Phys 7B C+
Phys Lab (1 credit) A-
Intro to Film Pro A
Bio 20B Physio B+
= 3.23 GPA
which would be awesome.
More likely,
Phys 7B C
Phys Lab (1 credit) B+
Intro to Film Pro A-
Bio 20B Physio B
= 2.92 GPA
(That's EXACTLY what I have cumulatively right now =/)
I'm not even going to list the worst case...that shit is NOT happening. I won't let it. I just need to PUSH for those last couple grades [film and physics finals on Monday]. I have 2 review sessions, 1 rockstar, and 2 full days to figure my shit out. Physics is up in the air because I went from a D on the first midterm to a B on the second. I get straight A's on the homework. Go figure that one out. & Film I might be borderline A/A-/B because for whatever reason I got B+'s on three out of 7 projects, and idk what I got on my final project + the final is still Monday. Ughh stresssss. I can do it, though! I got this! I am envisioning that 3.2. I have it. I WANT it. SO BADLY.
I have this quarter and fall to bring up my grades before I apply to study abroad again, since I got rejected last time [b/c you need a 3.0 - not 2.9, ugh]. COSTA RICA IM NOT GIVING UP.