deviating from the "party line"

Aug 06, 2003 11:47

this morning i was browsing through, taking a peek at the new toy selections as well as other interesting aspects of the site (it really doesn have some very informative and interesting reading, and i highly recommend checking it out), when i came across a campaign to block the proposed "partial birth/late term - you choose the verbage" abortion bill, now in the house and felt compelled to emote.

if you know or have read me, you are aware that i am all for every woman's right to govern her reproductive choices. but you must also be aware that i give no quarter to the radicals on either side of any social debate and believe that THEY are the cause of the strife and endless turmoil infecting our society.

in my humble opinion, this particular campaign effort on not only falls within the that "radical" category, as it fails to offer a complete, "entire" factual representation of the situation, but also completely evades the responsibility i believe falls within each of us who, as women, must address.

and so, i would like to address here those items and opinions that were omitted.

1. It states that "Reproductive freedom is crucial to a woman’s right to control her body and sexuality-and to choose motherhood when and if it is right for her."

I could not agree more. What this fails to address, is that, as with all freedoms, with reproductive freedom come resproductive responsibility.

In short, i do not believe that reproductive freedom equates to engaging in the act which can begin life WITHOUT being held to some level of responsibility. To some extent, the decision to accept motherhood should be at least addressed prior to the middle of the gestation period. At best, the woman should be responsible to undertake some method of birth control PRIOR to engaging in the act. At worst, she should have come to a personal, considered opinion about what to do should conception occur before she is faced with it.

Botton line; if a woman becomes pregnant and can not make the decision one way or the other before the end of her first trimester, then she shouldn't be engaging in the act of conception in the first place.

2. It goes on to state "Let your congressional representatives know that you oppose this legislation by sending the letter below; spread the word about abortion rights by talking about it with others."

I find it highly interesting that a campaign that is championing women's rights is telling them to "cut and paste" a pre-determined response, effectively telling them how they feel and how to express it. Does this sound like freedom to you? What would be wrong with them offering the contact information for their representitives and encouraging them to send in their opinions...IN THEIR OWN WORDS?

FOR THE RECORD...i hold that ANY woman should remain free to choose to give birth or abort a pregnancy, but that she should accept the responsibility of at least considering that decision prior to conception so that such a decision may be made by the end of the first trimester.

My reasoning is that, no fetus can be sustained independantly during that time and so reasonable people can agree that it is not viable.

In cases where a decision by the woman is not made prior to the end of the first trimester, then the decision falls to the attending physician, based soley on the viability of the fetus and the patients wishes (i.e. if the woman decides after the end of the first trimester to terminate the pregnancy and the doctor concludes that the fetus is still not viable, the abortion may be performed.

And in cases where the life or activelife of the mother is called into question, then the decision reverts to the woman.


There are many other issues addressed on the babeland site and while i have not gone through them all, i always encourage people of good conscience to suck up as much information and as many varying opinions on ANY issue as they can, for it is through this action that we can all make the most informed decisions.

But on this issue in particular, i feel that they have shown themselves to be no better nor any worse than those who propogate for the opposing opinion and it is through this continued mass of misinformation and "spin" that gives us the continuous battle within our society, creating friction and discord where none neeed exist.

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