Jun 29, 2005 11:05
Hey, im at camp still. commin home one friday. my next camp thing is july 20 something. So I'm gonna go to the beach and live it up...i hope. okay camp life is...odd. I'm sick of almost everyone in my suit, and my side of the FUCKING TRIPLE bedroom is clean, but the other girl's side is trashed. But im leaving soon, so I feel sorta bad about being pissed off at them. I think i have been scared here, hehe. We talk about whatever the hell we want to. I mean we had a conversation of some personal crap, and no one cared. It was so awsome. Anyway...ive gotten like so used to cafeteria food ((Aka crap)) that a friend and I were joking that we would go home and have a great meal and...barf it all up. So i have no flipping idea whats going on with static, and swi. I think I'm quitting...and im kinda happy about it...bye!