here's the most awaited post:
Vic aka Victoria is back. Done with training til next year. I've joined the ROTC and plan to become a better soldier there. Let's just say I'm good at what I do. And No, you aint gonna see no pictures of me in my ACU's (uniform) til I want you to see me in them, okay?!
As for experiences, it was indeed crazy, life there is so strict, we only got like 30 minutes of free time a day, and maybe 6 most likely 4 hours of sleep. Pushups were constant, including mountain climbers (imagine climbing up the sidewalk), as well as constantly getting shouted at by the Drill Sergeants(DS)! Shit was crazy man, contrary to popular belief I ain't have to be broken in by the DS's.
I miss my M-16 and all my soldier that I'm willing to ride or die with.....
can't wait til i go back.
look at the change: no chubby cheeks, no hair (lol, i feel baldhead), and all my fat is GONE!
funny, what the army can do to you. hooah!!!!!