
Apr 18, 2009 20:55

Character: Dominic Sorel
Series: Psalm of Planets Eureka SeveN (anime)
Character Age: 20
Canon: The story of Eureka Seven takes place in a future in which humans have been ousted from their home planet, Earth. In the new world mankind calls home, there is trapar in the air, a substance which allows both man and machine to surf the skies in a sport called reffing, and a seemingly sentient being called Scub Coral that resides in the ground. Humans are indecisive about the nature of Scub Coral, with some, like the United Federation military, wanting to destroy it and others, like the renegade group Gekko State, seeking to better understand the being.

Dominic is an officer in the United Federation military, serving in the information branch before transferring to serve directly under Colonel Dewey Novak, who leads the campaign against the Scub Coral. As a military man, Dominic is a bit commanding and inflexible in his speech to both civilians and his fellow officers. Also being slightly arrogant in nature, there are few he takes an honestly respectful tone to, and the numbers dwindle even further when referring to the people he speaks affectionately toward. Despite his best attempts at maintaining a stoic and arrogant attitude, however, there are times when Dominic goes into fail and flail mode, getting topped by anything from furry animals to teenagers to maps.

Sample Post:

You there! Yes, you with the green skin. Come here, would you? On second thought, stay where you are. You smell terrible.

I am Lieutenant Dominic Sorel, and I have been sent here to gather information about this so-called camp. Before starting my investigations, however, I need to speak with the camp director. An Elizabeth Sayre, if I'm not mistaken. No... Not a Miss Brains. Sayre. It's completely different. What am I doing here instead of her office? I'm on the way there. Obviously. Lost? Haha... Of course not. I'm just... momentarily disoriented.

Look, I need to see her. If you could stop groaning for a moment and give me some directions, I'd appreciate it. Really, please stop. It's... disturbing. All I need you to do is look at this map and... Does it say Bellforest there? Damn, this is the wrong one. Let me get the right map-- Hey! What are you doing!? Brains? What? No! You won't learn about geography by eating a map. Give that back! You're chewing on military property! Stop!

...If you were that hungry, you could have said so. How am I'm going I'm going to explain this to my superiors!? "My apologies, sir, a smelly, green man ate my map thinking he would become smarter by doing so"? They're not going to believe that! Tell them it tasted good? What!? Like they would take that sort of excuse! Jeez, never mind. I'll deal with this later. Look, could you just point me in the general direction of the director's office? I really need to go see her.

What? Why are you pointing at me? Go back the way I came? There's nothing but swamp in that direction! I should know! I was wandering around in there for five hours! I realize that trusting locals is generally smart in situations like this, but I'm having some trouble doing so, especially since you... just lost the finger you were pointing with.

Um. Shouldn't you pick up your finger and get to a medic? Why are you looking at me? Wait, I'm not a medic. Hey! Let go of me! What the-- Trying to chew on my hair is not going to make me want you help you! And stop talking about brains already! You're making me think that you want to eat mine! What? That's what you want!? What the hell is wrong with you!? No, you can't eat mine!

Damn it! No one told me about brain-eating locals during the mission briefing! Get off of me! I said GET OFF!!

Voting went here. 85.7% in (48 votes) and 14.3% out (8 votes).

administrative, !ooc

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