Friends only.

Mar 18, 2010 22:37


From 2004 to 2010, my journal was open, with only certain posts being made friends-only or private. But with more and more personal posts and friends-locked entries, I decided I might as well just make my entire journal friends-only from now on.

If you want to be friends, please leave a reply here with who you are, how you found my journal, and why you want to be friends. If you just send me a blind invite, I will ignore it.

But before you comment, there are a few rules, which are also in my userinfo.
1.) This is my journal, and I will say whatever I damned well please in it.

2.) This is my place to vent, as I have no other.

3.) If you have a problem with anything I say, you will likely notice a deafening sound. That sound is how little I give a shit.

4.) Nobody is forcing you to read what I write here.

5.) I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but I do expect to not be snarked at in my own journal, particularly when my mood is at a low point.

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