Phil showed me this...

Mar 05, 2010 01:02


Yeah... what the hell.

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I noticed ratings and comments are disabled, I wonder why? :P

This has been going on since the beginning of time. Anytime there's something that a large amount of people, especially kids, are really into, the fundies insist it's because of OMG DEMONZ. They did it with Rock n Roll, with Dungeons & Dragons, with Pokemon, it goes on and on. Almost every craze in the last century.

I mean... nevermind the fact that the demons that ARE in WoW are one of the biggest enemy factions in the game, and are shown as the enemies of all life... nevermind the plotlines involving the races that made pacts with demons and the misfortune it brought them... nevermind the fact that the Light is always shown to burn away the darkness of enemies... nevermind that you can play two classes that specifically specialize in destroying demons and such. NEVERMIND ALL THAT, THAR BE DEMONS INVOLVED! >.>

Honestly... everytime I hear someone beginning a rant against something with "I've never played/listened to/watched (subject), BUT....." I feel the urge to curbstomp them. If you've never had firsthand experience of something, then you're not qualified to tell other people that it's somehow bad for them just because you think your religion says it is. If you don't have firsthand experience, but still wanna bitch? Just shut the fuck up instead. Honestly. People will thank you.


go forth and suck muchly of the cock, this is my srs face, i will frost those cupcakes with my hate, what is this i don't even, youtube, wow, videos, video games

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