This has to break some sort of record for 'amount of bullshit packed into one article.'

Jul 25, 2009 01:26


This was posted in the guns community.

This is just... wow. The inaccuracies are so severe, it almost seems like a spoof. I mean, nobody could be THAT retarded, right?

Authorities have noticed an increase in high-caliber weapons in Los Angeles. One of the most startling incidents was when a Fabrique National 57, an assault pistol used to kill big game, was found in a victim's car by detectives investigating a double-homicide last year in North Hollywood.

"You use it on large lions, tigers and bears," said LAPD Deputy Chief Michel Moore, commander of the Valley Bureau.

HAHA, WHAT?! Assault PISTOL?! Used to kill BIG GAME? Yes, I'm sure lions, tiger and bears(OH MY) everywhere live in constant fear of this mighty ASSAULT PISTOL and the teeny-tiny, barely-capable-of-killing-an-adult-human,.22 caliber round it fires. XD

For future reference, THIS is a pistol that can take down big game... THIS is not. If those bullets next to the second one look teeny and wimpy, it's because they are. There's all this fuss over this particular pistol, simply because it was originally designed to penetrate military body armor. Thing is, so can your average hunting rifle, and it'll do a lot more damage than this underpowered popgun will.

The truth is, just like all the other guns these people want banned, the FN 5-7 catches flak because it LOOKS scary, not because it's any more dangerous than your average 9mm or .45 caliber pistol. Both calibers, I'd like to point out, far surpass the one the 5-7 fires, in terms of damaging ability.

So yeah... sorry for the rant, but I get annoyed to see a group of people so adamant in eliminating something they know absolutely nothing about. Is it so much to ask, that if you're going to rail against something, you do even the slightest bit of research on the subject first?

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