
Jul 21, 2009 09:43


So I haven't messed with any of my MMO's since everything with my grandma went down. So it's been like... a month, at least?

Anyway. I played Combat Arms again for the first time in a while... I played maybe 3 matches, quit, and uninstalled it. Mainly because while it CAN be really fun... not being able to keep weapons you buy gets old pretty fast. So does getting fragged 25 times in a match with no kills to compensate. -.-

So, I got rid of it... partly for the above reasons, and partly because my C drive was getting a little cramped(I have two drives built in; both with 69.5GB). After that, I checked one of the other MMO's I had saved up, from the makers of City Of Heroes/Villains; Exteel. It's basically a giant mecha-type MMO. The matches tend to be unbelievably fast-paced clusterfucks of machinegun fire, sword slashing and explosions, but it's fun. XP

It sort of gives the feel that the Knightmare battles from Code Geass do, and the mechs themselves resemble a mix of the above with a little bit of Gundam thrown in. Everything, from the colorful mechs and backgrounds, to the music and sound FX gives the game a clean, futuristic feel which I'm enjoying so far. One of the coolest features is being able to dual-wield whatever weapons you like... you could have SMG/SMG, SMG/SWORD, SWORD/SHIELD, etc. And you get two sets, meaning you can have two SMG's, then hit 'R' and switch to two swords.

So far though, the only downsides are;
1.) The controls take some getting used to, and dropping mouse sensitivity from the outset is a MUST. I flick the mouse slightly and spin three times if I don't. x_x!

2.) The weapons I've used don't seem to be balanced that well; SMG's require absurdly close ranges to lock onto targets, and even then aren't the most accurate... Rifles are more powerful and accurate, but slow and unable to lock on at extreme close range... and the cannon, which is supposed to be this uber long-rage weapon is HORRIBLY slow to fire and can easily by dodged by enemies with even the slightest maneuvering skills. You can't LEAD the shots, either, because you can't hit something you don't get a lock on first. This leads to:

3.) Lock-on is kind of lame. It's not just to make your shots more accurate, you NEED to lock to hit anything. Meaning, if you spray shots at an enemy within the appropriate range limits of a weapon, they'll pass through them or just plain miss if you don't get a lock first.

4.) The tutorial has a lot of talk about using your boosters to dodge enemy shots, but... honestly, until you get your timing absolutely perfect, it's better to just stand still and spray your enemy in the face if they're remaining stationary while firing at you. If you dodge, they'll still hit you, and it'll just be harder for YOU to keep a lock.

All that aside, it IS a good game, and the learning curve isn't too bad. By my 8th match, I was consistently ranking in the top 3 of whatever matches I was in. You just have to keep moving, keep aware of your surroundings, and make sure you have the correct weaponset ready.

In any event; if this sounds good to any of you, it's entirely free-to-play. Money only comes in to buy points and such. You can earn those through battle anyway.

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