From the
guns community...
http://community.livejournal.com/guns/1732166.html?view=24800326&style=mine#t24800326 Yeah... a man boards a train with(what they assume is) his son, takes his seat... then randomly whips out a claw hammer and starts beating some 20 yr old guy's head in with it.
That's bad enough, but of the 10 or so people present... NOT ONE LIFTED A FUCKING FINGER TO HELP THE GUY. NOT ONE.
It's nice to know that when the shit hits the fan, you can rely on your fellow man to watch as you get beaten and/or murdered. Or at least take cameraphone pics while it goes down. -_-
As for Obama's "lipstick on a pig" statement... honestly, the McCain camp is over-reacting. It didn't have anything to do with Palin's "pitbull with lipstick" joke, it was Obama claiming McCain's policy ideas are the same as Bush's.
Honestly... I may not believe Obama is qualified to be President, but I at least know he'd be above taking a shot of that nature at Palin.
That said, the accusation of 'playing the gender card' from one of Obama's campaign people kind of bugged me. I guess it's okay for the Dems to play the race or gender cards, but no one else, then? 8D
Sooo.... my sleep pattern is officially borked. I basically woke up this morning by
throwing up into my lungs and waking up trying not to drown.
I dunno how exactly that happened, considering I hadn't been drinking and didn't eat before going to bed. But either way, it happened around 10:00AM or so and I ended up falling back asleep around 1:00PM, only to wake up around 6. I still feel like shit. :(
So yeah. A fairly horrible and disgusting way to wake up. >:@
And on a final, random note... the past couple of days, we've been getting a lot of rain, with thunderstorms coming in around night time and dawn. No clue why the storms are coming in NOW, but yeah... it's thundering pretty loudly, even right now. :O