Pointless entry #1,409.

Sep 05, 2008 00:18


Managed to catch McCain's speech tonight. Not a lot to say except that a lot more of what McCain had to say resounded with me than really anything Obama had to say. But again, Obama's been campaigning for months and has yet to actually SAY ANYTHING... so, you know. O:)

I gotta say, I'm already pretty sick of the media's reaction to Palin. They've pretty much ignored any of the issues she or McCain brought up, and instead are slamming her for perceived inexperience and her stance on abortion... really, those are the only two issues they seem to want to jump on. I wonder why. >_>

But really... they already accused McCain of having no message, but do they REALLY want to call Palin inexperienced? POT CALLING KETTLE BLACK. PLZ UNDERSTAND THIS PHRASE.

How Obama can be a community organizer and be more qualified to be Pres than Palin is to be Vice Pres, with her having been mayor of a town and governor of a state... it's silly. The Democrats bitch about people seeing Obama as inexperienced, then they attack a VP with more leadership experience than he has... as having no experience. My brain, it is melting. D:<

I was annoyed that there's not been nearly as much flak sent Biden's way, but then I realized something; Biden only fucked up things the media and the Left LIKE to see fucked up. Like the Second Amendment. As long as you only destroy things the media hates to begin with, of course they'll hump your leg.

And lastly... I read this a few minutes ago:


So Obama admits the Troop Surge worked to cool things down a lot in Iraq... BUT WAIT!

But Iraq still has failed to achieve the political reconciliation and self-sufficiency that is required, he said, and he vowed to withdraw American troops and end the war.

So basically, he says the Surge worked... BUT NOT GOOD ENOUGH! So we should totally just pack up and retreat. Although the Surge did a lot of good, the Iraqis still aren't quite there yet. SO WE'D BETTER RETREAT BEFORE THEY ACTUALLY -ARE- SELF-SUFFICIENT, AMIRITE?

Brilliant, Obama. God forbid any chance is given to prove the Democrats wrong, eh? >_>


politics, go forth and suck muchly of the cock, i will frost those cupcakes with my hate, random gripes

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