A few notes.

Aug 19, 2008 00:16


Oh yeah... I didn't mention in my post about the stuff I ordered coming in, but the late gift I got Phil was the re-release of Breath of Fire 3 for the PSP. :O

The only new thing they really added, unfortunately, is WiFi item trading, but Phil's happy with being able to play it on a portable, rather than having to break out his PS2 or PS1 to play his old copy. :P


Phantasy Star 1 is kicking my ass. >_<

I'm actually having a lot of fun with the game, and it's good to see that while it IS fairly basic by today's standards, it's far more coherent than other RPG's of its time... like Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest.

My problem now is that I randomly found a dungeon on a peninsula and decided to explore it for a bit. This ended up being a bad idea, as I ran into some tough enemies, and while Alis can handle them(or at least they can't hurt her), Myau and Odin are still kind of low on levels, and both are now dead.

My biggest mistake was not entering this dungeon with an escapipe(I forget what the item was called in this installment). Because as of now, I'm freaking LOST, and can't find my way to the top floor to get the hell out. Every time I think I'm getting close, I run into an invisible tile that flings me back down a few floors.

The way the dungeons are on PhStar1 is a little different from the other installments... or most RPG's I've played. You traverse them in a 1st-person, pseudo-3D view. The graphics during these scenes are fairly impressive for being 8-bit, but I don't think Phil thought so... but his views on 8-bit games are... disconcerting. X(

There are also no battle screens in the dungeon, unlike in the overworld. In dungeons, enemies simply appear in front of you in the halls to begin the battle.

So yeah. I saved before I came in, but I don't want to reset... I've gained several levels and earned a couple thousands Meseta. I don't want to let go of that if I can avoid it. >:\

Anywho... *goes back to dungeon crawling*


random gripes, video games

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