Aug 14, 2008 05:20


So I've just gotten past Lt. Surge on FireRed.

I have to say, I'm getting a little frustrated. Mainly because I've checked out in preparation for what pokemon I want and what moves, and... well, shit looks bleak.

Take Charizard for instance(he's still a Charmeleon at the moment). On Diamond & Pearl, his movepool is FANTASTIC. On FireRed, it SUCKS ASS. The ONLY good move he learns is Flamethrower. Seriously. That's his ONLY good move.

He learns plenty of okay physical attacks, but NEWS FLASH! CHARIZARD IS NOT A PHYSICAL FIGHTER! For God's sake, his base ATK is 80-something! He is pure SpATK, yet they treat him like a bruiser.

I was pondering making a Dragonite be part of my main team this time around, and HIS MOVESET SUCKS ASS TOO! I was going to give him Dragon Claw from a TM when I found it, but I have to give it to Charizard to make him suck slightly less. Without Dragon Claw to balance out the FAIL, Dragonite is WORTHLESS in this game.

One of the big changes between the last generation of Pokemon games and Diamond + Pearl, was the whole Physical attack/Special attack changeover. The way it used to work was that a move was determined to be a physical attack or a special attack solely by what type it was.

Normal, Fighting, Ghost, Poison, Flying, Bug, Rock, Ground, etc. = PHYSICAL ATTACKS

Fire, Water, Grass, Ice, Psychic, Dark, Dragon, etc. = SPECIAL ATTACKS

Yeah... the above system makes NO sense... even a Dark move like CRUNCH, which is a move in which your Pokemon BITES THE FUCK OUT OF ITS OPPONENT... is a special attack. As if you generated energy jaws in the air to bite for you.

So in D+P, they changed it so that if a move makes physical contact, it is now a physical move. It all depends on if your pokemon SHOOTS something at the enemy, or DIRECTLY ATTACKS them. I assumed this was how it always was... you know, because IT ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE.

The old system never really worked well. They would give the Dragons of the game obscenely high attack power...... but Dragon-type attacks are Special Attacks, and they'd load their movesets up with Special Attacks. Therefore, the Dragons didn't reach their full potential until they switched Phys/Spec moves. Honestly, it seems like pretty much ALL pokemon REALLY, REALLY SUCKED before Diamond and Pearl changed things.

So I'm having trouble here. If you don't EV train pokemon, they will SUCK ASS. HARD. In a way, the EV system helped the game by raising the potential of pokemon, but it hurt it in that pokemon who have been poorly EV trained almost feel like you should've released them into the woods or something. At least Diamond and Pearl added berries that removed EVs so you can get a clean slate and start again.

Exacerbating the problem is the fact that while in Sapphire I have the Macho Brace(doubles EV's gained) and Pokerus(doubles that double), and on Pearl I have Pokerus PLUS several items that help with EV's.... on FireRed, I have nothing of the sort. So while I can fight Paras on Pearl with Pokerus + Power Bracer to get 10 EV's per kill.... on FireRed, I get just 1 EV per Paras. Meaning that in order to fill up the full 255 EV's for my physical attackers, they need to kill TWO-HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE PARAS. FUCKING RIDICULOUS.

I can't even GET any help because FireRed makes you wait until near the end of the game to get the fucking Macho Brace. And Pokerus is EXTREMELY rare. As in, more rare than 'shiny' pokemon. And I not only got it randomly on Pearl, but on SAPPHIRE TOO. So I won't get help on that front, because LIGHTNING, SHE WILL NOT STRIKE THRICE.

So yeah. I've heard reviewers give Diamond and Pearl a lower score than the GBA generation of games, saying the new ones for the DS 'don't add as much' as the old games do. I think these reviewers are high and possibly retarded.

In all honesty, after playing Pearl extensively, the impression I have is that Nintendo didn't figure out how to make Pokemon games CORRECTLY until Diamond and Pearl. Going back to the ones on the GBA after playing Pearl, with their inferior attack system, is like playing Resident Evil 4 on the Wii and going back to play Resident Evil 1 for the PsONE. PAINFUL. EXTREMELY PAINFUL.

That isn't to say the GBA games are BAD, far from it. It's just that Nintendo does it WAY better now. And thank God for that. >_<


pokemanz, nostalgia, i will frost those cupcakes with my hate, what is this i don't even, random gripes, video games

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