Late Night Entry

Oct 18, 2004 21:46

Howdy everybody.

Well, it's a Monday night. A dark sky prevailed over glimmering sunshine some hours ago, as the birds tweeting paused, the sound of footsteps on the pathways outside became less frequent, and the intensity of the light projected from my monitor against the background darkness grew brighter. One night is about to pass; only another two to go.

Come Wednesday, our compulsory education will fade to black for the following week, as our week off begins. Come the dawn of Thursday, days of late nights and late mornings will commence, and i'm pretty much looking forward to it. Then again, who wouldn't look forward to experiencing a week without any learning involved? Apart from learning how fun it is to be away from school, that is. I'll have places to go, people to see, and this very keyboard to rattle each and every day.

My scheduled events for the holiday are two so far. Two events in theory, that is. They are...

- Go into the city with the extravagant Zoe for the first time since... when?
- Also see my 'friend' Natalie in the busy depths of Norwich City Centre.

Not introduced you to this 'Natalie' character, have I? Naughty me. Well, she's just another girl in my collection of women, which is of a greater population my friends who are boys. However, Natalie has a thing for me, which is a theory of mine. However, it is evident from her actions around me. We tend to flurt a lot, and act like we're dating, which we are not... yet. Although, i'm not sure whether I want to actually want to be her boyfriend in shining armour, or just remain another boy she flurts with. I'll have to look into it.

Anyway, aye - my week will [hopefully] be fairly occupied. I don't fancy sitting around every day typing away at my computer, like I did very, very frequently during the Summer holidays.

Not much more I can comment on, so i'll leave it at that. Catch you later.

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