Howdy fl00dy folks. Sorry for the lack of entries in the past couple of days. I've been sort of preoccupied with other activities. Consequently, I have a LOT to cover. So sit back, relax, grab a coke and continue reading.
So, what's happened recently that's stood out the most? Upon asking myself that, I can safely say that Zoe finally spoke to me in two whole freaking weeks! Thankfully, and predictably, she wasn't attempting to ignore me whatsoever. And even more predictably, she was unable to respond to my continuous calls due to her busy schedule. However, as I strolled past her house today, she immediately darted off the telephone call she was hooked on and came to speak to me for a brief minute or so. She elaborated on her busy few weeks and explaining why she couldn't see me at all. I wasn't hearing anything I didn't previously anticipate, so no shocking moments in that conversation. Regarding that lovely and bubbly line in this entry's title, it is, infact, a quote from Zoe herself... when talking about that swine, Robert.
I was informing Zoe of all the crap Robert had been telling me about at school. This crap included comments such as, "You haven't got a single chance with Zoe," and, "She'll choose many boys' over you." His language was subtle and fine, but his intentions were bratty and disgusting. So, in response to this, Zoe has ordered me to throw it all back at Robert come school on Monday. Apparently, I have to lend him a message from me, which is the following: "You tell him that he hasn't got a chance in hell with me." That was so refreshing to hear, and I'd be absolutely delighted to shove it in his face, and smudge it in for that little extra pleasure. I also feel like quoting myself to him. It'd be a quote that I've thought up a few days ago. It's as follows: "Dude, I was snogging Zoe in her granddad's back-garden before you had even heard her name, so I wouldn't even begin to predict who knows more about her if I were you."
Later tonight, Zoe promised to give me a call, which was also a tingly feeling. And Zoe never ducks out of her promises. So i'm looking forward to tonight!
Well... what next? Hmm... Rachel. Apparently her twisted mind has brought her to believe i'm in a mood with her. God knows why, but I texted her stating the truth, in that I wasn't moody with her whatsoever. Crazy kid she is.
Sliding off that topic and landing on another, I've gotten a lot of hugs this week! Let's see... I have been treated to one from Natalie (a school friend), one from Zoe recently... and two from Fred. O.O Fred's so warm and cuddly! o.O Pfft, yeah, the first time he showed playful passion towards me was when he scored in a football match. He let his arms out in celebration, and I asked him, "Awww, do you want a hug Fred?!" And he runs up to me and smothers me! o.O Second occasion was when our cooking teacher said, "Ah, someone give Simon a hug. He's depressed!" I replied, rejecting the offer, but the next thing I know, Fred is hugging me... well, choking me at the same time. Wooooo! :D Anyway, enough of my week of huggles. ^_^
Gah, just ate pizza... and i'm completely full. And when you're full, you don't feel so ambitious to type away at the keyboard. Nevertheless, I will prevail against the appetizing meal and continue my entry! :o
Moving onto my Mathematics coursework. The project is only about 75% into completion, but according to my teacher, it's already at a B grade standard. That is SO fulfilling, knowing that you'll obtain a B if you were to just hand it in as it is. However, I will be continue gunning for an A. What a shocker that would be, considering my atrocious GCSE prediction of an E...
I have done absolutely, positively, ultimately nothing towards my Geography coursework. I suppose i'm not as dedicated to it as I am with my Maths. I know i'm safe 'n' secure with my Geog', and it's my Maths that needs aiding the most. Plus the Geog' is webpage design, and i'm a master at that. So my project will take about, oh, perhaps... an hour? ^_^ But then two days to fulfil the content.