Aug 14, 2004 15:31
-Played a mad game of tag at the play scape recently. I always sure why the cops kick us out. "Hey! You guys having harmless fun over there! I want you to stop that and get bored so you'll turn to violence and drugs for entertainment."
What the fuck is that?
-Summer is getting boring. All I do is sleep into noon, do whatever I want all day and carouse the town all night with my friends until the wee hours of the night. I know it sucks doesn't it?
-Went to Kalamazoo last weekend and I must say I like western a lot more than central. It seems like more of a town rather than just an outpost of a casino. Not to insult central or the people that go there in any way, shape or from.
-Going to a show tonight. At least I hope theres a show because I haven't been to one in a long time.