25 Weeks and All's Well

Oct 25, 2010 21:09

I am happy to announce that it's just monitoring from here on out -- I am done with all the official testy-tests of the pregnancy. The last one was the dreaded glucose test (in which you FAST after midnight which is ridiculous, then they take some blood and give you an orange soda, then they wait an hour and take some more blood, and then wait another hour and take some more blood). This is bad enough when you have decent veins. I have crap veins, plus pregnancy doesn't help, plus dehydration from the fasting really really doesn't help. (I was permitted to have water, but not too much.) The last blood draw took three sticks, and they ended up having to use my hand which then ached for the rest of the day. All of this is done under threat because if you fail, you have to do a four-hour test instead of a two-hour one before they decide that yes you really truly do or do not have gestational diabetes.

But I passed! Woo hoo! So I don't have to do it again! Suck it, gestational diabetes!

The babies continue to grow well and continue to be the same size, and it is a proper size. They're 54th and 55th percentile in size (this scale is for singletons, not twins, so that's a good size indeed). They're still kicking each other. Yeah.

Divergent musical tastes! Baby "A" likes Lady Gaga (my little Alejandro!) and Baby "B" likes classics like Thunder Road (my little Bruce/Boss!).

In more yucky news:

heartburn is beginning to become constant. Next will come the inability to eat very much at a time, I anticipate, at which time, as a very wise banana_plants suggested, SMOOTHIES.

Bedtime resembles what it's like when a turtle gets put on its back. (Or Bender from Futurama.) Eventually I might be able to turn myself over. There's a lot of huffing and puffing, and then I get into a good position, and it's not particularly restful because when I get "comfy" I'm usually dealing with quite an elevated heart rate.

Commuting suhhhhh-huuuuuucks. Even if I get a seat on the subway, that's a lot of stairs. I'm working from home 1 day a week, thinking I'll up it to 2 shortly. By thanksgiving I'll be working from home exclusively. I'm so tired from coming into the office that it helps me to stay home (between the extra sleep and the less exertion, I was super productive last Wednesday).

And with that, I need to go have some antacid, with a side of Gossip Girl.
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