Supernatural 6.02: Little Monsters

Oct 02, 2010 09:59

I'm just calling it that for kicks, of course. Really "Two and a Half Men."

So Dean has got the family under luck and key. This is basically a perfect John impression. And yelling at Ben because he found a shotgun is understandable of course, but not being honest about it with Lisa, she of the top quality bullshit detector, is quite another. He's trying to not be John, and it's making him John.

Lisa continues to prove she's too good for him. Most of all by kicking him out. By too good for him, I mean, not the long-suffering type to put up with his bullshit and not expect adult behavior from him. Not that she's going to get that behavior, which is exactly the point. He's just not built for the home life. I don't think their "doing things halfway" plan is going to work either. But the Impala montage had the desired distracting effect!

Side note -- who orders two large pizzas for 3 people? Dean Winchester, who will eat one pie himself. The "everything," I'd imagine.

I found the monster to be fascinating of course. Babies are messy enough, and shapeshifting babies? The worst! And it's hilarious that Sam calls Dean to deal with the baby. Because he's the most domesticated one of all. But also, Dean is the one with the caring, protective instincts. He'll do the best to protect the kid out of all the Campbells. And he does, until faced with himself (in Alpha shifter form) of course. Dean's worst enemy is always himself.

It's interesting that Sam, despite being totally closed off still (check out his interrogation technique -- it's downright cold), is right on the money about how Dean is being just like John, down to the self-delusion about how it's temporary. Even in his current state, he still knows Dean better than Dean knows himself.

Random points:

Boudreau's Butt Paste! Yes!

I love that "Bobby John" catches on immediately and stays his name.

Dean singing "Smoke on the Water" to get Bobby John to sleep is golden. Dude is still pouring himself too much whiskey though. (BTW family lore has it that Mr. Radio's grandmother, who was born very small, was soothed by whiskey as an infant. She's like 85 now.)

Magic Fingers!

"Not every hunter is a headcase." No, just the ones that appear onscreen.

"I'm a headcase." Truer words, Dean.

I'm annoyed, but not surprised, that Sam told the Campbells about Dean's time in Hell. Especially since I'm pretty sure he hasn't told them about his own tour. Oh, what if he has? Burn!

Although Sam does step in with the "take it easy, he's mah brother." Aww! Maybe the armor's cracking.

I wonder how you kill the alpha? There's gotta be a way.

Samuel has a higher-up who he's collecting the monster specimens for. This is interesting. Also seems like Dean's catching on to their capture plan, based on his comment about using the baby as bait

IMPALA! Finally. That damn truck was sad.

(That was Joshua in the Sprint ad. Heh.)

Next week: CAAAAAS! I feel super fanserviced by that promo. It's all, "hey ladies, you ready? you waited, and here he is! (P.S., Jared does pullups)" Show, just please keep Cas in the mix! That's all I ask.

ep review: spn

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