Title: Marian's ballad part 4
Author: outlawgirl16
Written for: anyone and everyone
Pairing: Robin/Marian Guy/Marian
Spoilers: none at all nless you haven't seen the first series tiny winy one for season 2 if you haven't seen it.
Rating: PG
Of course the news was quite a shock to me, i couldn't quite take it in when Guy told me. He had come to Knighton to enlighten me with the "good" news but decided to "sweep me off my feet" bad idea. Naturally my instincts told me differently and i defended myself my jumping away from him almost revealing my identity as the Nightwatchman. Luckily Guy is a naive man and is blinded by love and the only way that he would find out is if i unmasked myself in front of him.
The news like i said shocked me and i couldn't help but feel regret, regret in ever accepting his proposal and regret that i had even given him the time of day. Although i had told everyone around me that i saw the side of him in which he was truly human, deep down i could see that my marriage to him would be unpleasant and he would have any patience with children or me at that matter.
Then there was Robin, how heart broken he would be if i ever did walk down that aisle. I was beginning to miss the simpler times where i was a child and all i worried about was playing childish games with Robin, not have to worry about the politics in my own bloody life. I had to remain calm and collected and not reveal my true feelings, i would later reveal them in one final escapade as the Nightwatchman.
Guy revealed the riches i would have as Lady Gisborne and i felt an ill feeling bubble from the pits of my stomach. This was the money that Guy and the sheriff stole off the very people i tried to help. It felt wrong to be in so much wealth and the people of Nottingham go hungry for yet another winter. So that why i decided my final escapade as the Nightwatchman would be at Locksley manor, little did i know that it would layer turn fatal.
That night at Locksley was an interesting mixture of feelings and thoughts. When i was trapped in that room i had to admit i was scared i had nowhere to run and this would really be the death of me. and it was sort of, when Robin came to get me out of a more than sticky situation and i had walked down the stairs (after pushing Guy down them of course). i managed to get myself stabbed by Guy of course.
When i lay there in the cave talking to Robin about how we had lied to each other all our lives, i felt that i was beginning to forgive Robin. Something i had refused to do. I was about to die and there was no doubt about it and i only regretted never telling Robin i loved him and that i did forgive him.
But by some miracle i was alive i had survived only to marry Guy. Robin had given me a hope that a physician named Pitts would give evidenceagainst Guy to the "king". But Guy had killed Pitts and i was once again on the path to marry Guy, if not out of choice but out of fear. Fear that he would harm my father.
As the wedding approached Robin began to get less patient and he seemed to become cold. I told him to grow up and that was exactly what he did. He couldn't be grown up about the wedding so he went away so he didn't have to face me becoming Lady Gisborne. He left me once more.
It seemed to take an eternity to walk down that aisleand each step i took my body became more and more numb. Yet my head seemed to get heavier and heavier. My mouth felt dry as i said my vows and my heart was filled with relief as Much rang that bell.
It felt all to good to be true and as Much revealed that the king was an impostor i felt i was marrying on false promise. And so i left risking my whole future but i took that opportunity not to waste my life away.
When Robin pulled up on his stallion that might as well have been an ass i couldn't care less it was my ride out of there, My heart pumped faster and faster my faced lit up into a huge smile. My Robin was here, my knight in an outlaw's attire was here to save me from the doom that was Gisborne. I loved Robin and when we shared our first kiss since childhood i felt one with him.
Once again Robin saved the day by saving my far from death, infiltrating the castle and outsmarting the sheriff. Yes Robin was moving higher and higher in my good books and wasn't long before i realised the danger of it all and i needed to get my father out of the castle quickly.
I grabbed him by the arm and took him strait to the stables
"get home now I'll be there soon" i demanded as my father saddled the horse, he did as i sad and i turned once more to be greeted by Robin. "what now Robin, i didn't marry Guy" he grinned and i smiled back at him.
"and I'm happy for you" he replied i began to saddle my horse
"listen we can't act as if this is a game any longer, both my father and i are in grave danger, by running of from the wedding and my father trying to give evidence against the sheriff gives the sheriff an automatic excuse to punish us." i began to lead my horse out of the castle stables "and what if Guy saw me on the back of your horse" Robin began to laugh and i couldn't quite understand
"calm down Marian he won't and if he does i will be there" he replied once more
"you can't always protect me" i turned back and looked at Robin he saw the worry in my eyes
"true, unless you come with me to the forest" and that was it the first time Robin invited me to the forest and how i would regret ever declining it maybe my life would have turned out a little differently. But nonetheless i declined and returned to Knighton to see to my father.
and then Guy raised Knighton hall to the ground.
to see next installment clicky here