Fan Fic: CandleLight

Mar 23, 2008 17:29

ok so the cut didn't work and it has frustrated me just a tad so i think i'll just post my fan fic in my journal and post the link there.

ok so

title: Candlelight
Summary: Marian is being punished sort of but is she enjoying it? may contain mild adult themes so do be warned.
Rating: R for the above reasons
disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

ok so here it is the fic that has cause me a lot of stress


In the dark loneliness of the castle wicked things can happen

The room, smothered in smoke and darkness was lit by a single candle it shone and lit corners of the room which seemed to move with the flickering light. The room was quiet and not a sound was heard and all that happened between those 4 stone walls stayed between those 4 stone walls. The silence was only broken with the occasional moan  but couldn’t be heard past the door.

Thoughts raced through her head as she lay there not knowing what to feel. She felt pain because each of her pale limbs were tied to each post of the bed, the welts got more painful the more she struggled. She felt the burn of the fire as the bed was moved closer. Although her hair felt gloriously soft an it tickled her back as it cascade around her shoulders and her back offering her the smallest bit of comfort, it was silky and cool and it offered more than comfort it offered protection from the fires burning warmth. The only thing more silky than her hair was the night dress covered the most vital parts of her body and most senses of vulnerability drifted away because of the white nightdress. Her heart raced as she knitted her brow, what fate could she uphold while she was in this dark forgotten room that no body seemed to enter. She felt lonely and couldn’t control the teas that fell from her eyes and rested on her cheeks, the only signs of life outside the room was the rhythmic footsteps of the guard that paced outside. there was certain thrill to this sick adventure that she had never felt before, she felt the danger that her real self would be discovered that the person she really loved would burst in there any moment and rescue her and they would run away to the forest never to return again. But instead it wasn’t he that she dreamed of that burst in it was the one she had nightmares about. His deep voice melted in her ears, she loved her dear outlaw but this man somehow had the ability to seduce her even though she dreaded it. There was fear in her eyes as he moved swiftly to the bed  and sat beside the tied up maiden. He brushed her cheek with his leather clad hand and smirked sadistically before moving closer to the innocent who flushed with something she couldn’t describe was it adrenaline? Was it fever? Or was it just pure pleasure?  she didn’t know all she knew was the next hour was going to display a lot of emotions.

Marian was sitting in her candle lit room when the ambush happened, she was writing in her ledger about the events that took place that day. When she and Robin where parted from each other after they had once again became betrothed. She held the ring tightly in her left hand before placing it conveniently down her cleavage to hide it from any unwanted spectators. She closed the leather bound book and placed it in her drawer before locking it and placing the key under once of the floorboards. She moved swiftly to the fireplace that was producing plenty of soot and placed yet another log on it to keep out the bitterly cold draft that that  the castle suffered at night. Although the walls were damp they were warm, almost like when someone has been bleeding out for a while and hasn’t realised the cloths that were stained are damp but warm from the body heat. Marian sat on her soft bed where a ruby coloured quilt was draped over it. She laid on the bed staring at the ceiling and sighed. She missed Robin and she so wanted him to drop from her bed posts once more just to kiss her crimson lips goodnight. It was only when Guy burst into her room completely unannounced that she cried out her lovers name and Sir Guy became suspicious and ordered two guards to take her to the east wing of the castle.

Guy walked passed the room where he had Marian captive several times before plucking up the courage to  enter the room. Many thought raced through his head maybe he had gotten it wrong that after being tied in that tree she was just frightened that hood would kidnap her again. That maybe she had a nightmare about the tree incident  and was rudely awoken by Sir Guy and jolted awake by her nightmare. this was all possible and Guy had a sinking feeling that he may have made a mistake but nonetheless Marian was still under his control and he was free t do what ever he wanted to do with her. He burst into the room opening the door once and swiftly tiptoed his way over to the fair Marian and rolled onto the bed. He gently stroked her peach skin and bit hard down on his cheek to fight the temptation but still his arousal got the better of him and Marian could do nothing about it. Her mind and soul was trapped with thoughts of Robin and only Robin while Guy had no control over his actions what so ever eh just kept murmuring the same words over and over
“you will love me, we will be together” and all Marian could so was moan in pain in pleasure and in protest. But no one was to hear her beyond those four walls and that all to heavy wooden door.

so did you like it please comment it is my first fic after all and it cause me so much stress just to post it.

robin hood, fic, guy/marian

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