The Bad
I made a brief reference to it being That Kind of Week(tm). It's had a bunch of reasons, though many of them centered around A Bizillion Appointments With One Car Household. Our Subaru has been in the shop all week to fix its hail damage. (We in fact still don't have it back.) And this week we had to go by the YMCA, H&R Block, the eye doctor and...the Big One.
My teeth. Well, as far as I can tell, hopefully just tooth. This started Monday night, when a piece of one of my upper molars crumbled off in my mouth. Tuesday included an emergency patch filling (mnnnn, nitrous and novocaine). Unfortunately, the pain didn't go away. In fact, my lower jaw got in on the action. I called in Wednesday, explaining that it felt like a really bad orthodontic adjustment. They told me to take Advil and give it a few days to see if it was just post-trama.
Well, last night another piece of tooth came off.
I wasn't able to get an emergency appointment today, so I have one for 8 AM Monday. I'm probably looking at a crown, possibly a root canal. In one bass-ackwards piece of GOOD news, my lower jaw is actually a lot happier. Chewing is still sore, but it feels more like 'hey, there's a sensitive tooth there!' sore and a little less like 'who the hell tightened my imaginary braces.'
I think it's possible that my bite wasn't right after the break-and-repair, and the part misaligning my bite is what broke Thursday. But that's my complete layperson opinion. Anyway, I'm just swishing salt water and taking Advil until too-damn-early-to-drive-to-Alpharetta on Monday, so wish me luck.
The Good
We're getting a good tax return. We've firmed up where Marie's going to school in the fall, so that's one stress out of the way. We got Marie signed up for dance lessons. I've gotten some pampering with this whole tooth thing. My birthday present finally came in--a total surprise as it was the pre-movie comic for Transformers, which I hadn't even known existed.
sulleniguana for the win! Oh, and I have finally gotten a new computer chair and
sulleniguana put it together tonight. Mnnnn, comfy chair.
The Cute
As usual, she's actually brought a lot of good to my week. However, this is something my fellow geeks will find amusing too.
So we're starting to test the waters with grown-up movies, to see what we can watch with her without it stressing her. We watched a bit of The Two Towers with
theidspeaks and her brood the other week, and Marie did all right with that. And somewhere around a few weeks ago, I was walking on the treadmill when Marie got home with
sulleniguana. I had been watching Transformers. So we watched her to see how she'd do--it has a fair bit of violence, but almost all of it is robot-to-robot rather than people getting hurt.
She really liked it. She's fascinated by Optimus Prime, who has to be one of the coolest beings in the universe because he's (a) blue, (b) a big robot and (c) he turns into a truck. Tonight she asked for it for her TV-after-bath. (I suspect because she saw me reading the comic book today and it reminded her.) By the time her half-hour or so of the movie was over, she was not only telling us things like 'Some of the robots are good and some of them are bad,' but she has also memorized Bumblebee's name and transformation form. (Well, 'yellow car,' not 'yellow Camaro.' But she's three!)
I'm very amused. When earlier today she told
touchstone and
lilisonna that the big robot's name was 'Optimus Prime,' I just had a big grin.
touchstone grinned back and said, "She's definitely her mother's daughter."
It's just great when that's a good thing. :)
Will answer rant post comments soon. Must switch out laundry and go to bed, though. The one sad thing about dance lessons is it means no lazy Saturday mornings.