Aug 12, 2006 00:21
Was not as much as I had hoped. Was in fact TOO much. There were too many people so I wound up walking around half the time looking for my friends. :(
But it wasnt terrible. They bought a funny hentai game and I translated a few things for them and translated a few things in my head. Much rofling was had. Spent way too much on Cabs...and the whole trip wound up costing about $800...200 overbudget. Luckily I seemed to have worked 90 hours over the last two weeks and I can afford to dump extra money into checking.
Really working a ton. Sucks...but I gotta do it. My summer is now gone and all I can do is lament it's passing. Like I mentioned, 90 hours a week. That kinda dents any plans.
EMTP School
Started Monday. Not bad so far. Kinda wish I had a better job where I needed to use more of my skills because I'm coming from behind. It's not quite a good feeling when you're told "These skills should be easy, second nature. All those skills you use in your job" and you can only think of a few. Vitals, Oxygen, and lifting are all I can do. And apparently I suck at lifting.
311 Concert.
So I'm in Arlington Heights after just having got dinner/lunch at 5:30. It would be the last meal of the day. We get called to Charter One Pavillion ON THE LAKEFRONT for a 6:30 concert. We went FAST. It sucked though because we were wearing our long pants and work clothes (which got dirty) and shoes (also dirty) which was uncomfortable. Honestly, if they wanted to bring another ambulance down there, they could have given us SOME warning.
Mainly a few drunks. Nothing terrible I saw. Few people passed out. I would have had more fun if it was just me going there and hanging out. And just as I was starting to get into it (Read: when we had long periods of standing while 311 was playing) we got called to go home. A few extra hours...but a lot of exhaustion and a bit of anger. Wasnt fun to get called all that way that late.
Overall...busy busy. working 12-12 Sat, Sun Friday, Sat. 12-8 Tuesday. School M W TH. Busy busy.
I'm gonna do laundry and crash. Gnite folks!