Dec 15, 2006 01:49
i have grown to accept one sinlge fact that is becoming ever so apparent, the numbe rof real friends i have is virtually none. Even now i lose friends all the time, ppl who would talk to me often now avoid me as if i were the plague, grnated i know i am nott he best person in the world but when treated in the right ways i treat other w/ respect and am a nice guy, in fact in the last week alone it'd seem that 2 or 3 more ppl have decided to no longer continue a friendship w/ me for w/e reason they may make up, a real friend who has respect for me would tell me themselvs and their true reasons and not ignore me
So i have accepted that i most likely have never had many real friends is so many ppl could treat me in such a way, a year ago i had almost 100 friends, could name them all virtually off the top of my head and now i am lucky to b able to name even 10, such must be life to live life w/o ppl, its how i grew up i guess its merely my nature to be alone