You might be submissive if...

Mar 27, 2004 09:17 hear the term "House Whip" on CNN and then get disappointed that
they're talking about politics.

...a friend of yours tells you she can't get out of the house because she's all tied up....and you get jealous.

...stocks and bonds fascinate you, but you could care less what happens on Wall Street. find yourself lying about your birthday just to get in an extra spanking or two during the course of a year. hear a confused person say, "Beats me!" and you automatically yell out "Me next!" think the best part of going to church is getting to kneel. make up extra sins at confession so you can get a heavier penance. actually wish your Mastercard would give you orders. think that the three basic materials for bed sheets are linen, silk and leather. call your personal vibrator "Sir". think your panties look best on you when pulled down around your knees. see a road sign displaying, "Chains required" and wonder if that means whips are optional. read a headline about sub warfare, and picture two naked women cat-fighting over a cute Dom. dream of a beautiful leather jacket ....... with a full face hood.
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