Ashes comments 78-87

Sep 28, 2009 15:31

My comments for Chapter 78 - 87 under the cut.

Topic of the Week: Roger decides to have a Freemason meeting at the cabin, which really tells us he is also a Freemason. Are you starting to see the similarities between Roger and Jamie when Bree points out that Roger is taking care of the men on the Ridge much like Jamie would?

Not starting here, I already had seen them before this.

Thoughts and Topics...

Would be interesting if the copy that they either got or the one Claire makes is the one Frank had framed in their house.

2. What was your reaction to Malva’s accusation that Jamie is the father of her unborn child? How do you think Malva knew about Jamie’s scars (Crescent slash across his ribs and the spider bite on his rear)?

Anger and doubt going both directions. Who knows, Jamie could have been drunk enough that she did it, but I seriously doubt it. With Malva there's no telling how she'd seen the scars. She's a sneaking little bitty so she's probably been spying on them. I thought she was going to say it happened on the nights Jamie was keeping watch on the whiskey. She certainly put a lot of thought into it, including the blood stain from Jemmy's fall being hers.

3. Do you think Claire should have run from the room when she did?

No, she shouldn't have, just as Malva said, it makes it look as if she believes it. But I don't blame Claire for running and there is a history of her doing this after all.

4. Claire thinks she would have forgiven Jamie had he turned to Malva once while he thought Claire was dying. Do you agree? Do you think it would have broken something vital between Jamie and Claire if he had?

I'm not sure. It would be hard and yet there is some reason in the thinking. But I do think that something would have been very wrong between them if it's true.

5. Claire points out that Jamie might reject Malva but never a child of his blood. Is this proof of his innocence? Do you agree with Claire’s assessment?

Not outright proof because I would think there's some doubt until the child is born, but yes, he would never turn his back on a child of his own unless forced to like with Willie and although in his heart he hasn't turned his back on him, he still can't have anything to do with him.

6. Jamie confesses to being with Mary McNab back before he was taken from the cave to prison. Thoughts?

I think it's good it got out and it seemed to have helped in some really odd way.

7. Bree remembers that she felt something was wrong between Frank and Claire. Do you think Bree is realizing all of Frank’s flaws?

Yes. I think, as she sort of says, that she might have realized them then and ignored them, but now this has brought it back up.

8. Roger tries comforting an upset Malva. How did you feel about her amorous reaction?

That she's a slut. But really she's just trying to find the love her father doesn't seem to really give to her whether he has it or not. Thought Roger was being rather stupid again, but then he is the pastor and I can see a pastor doing the same thing. It's just that Roger has a history of these kinds of actions getting him in trouble.

9. Did it surprise you that Ian believed Malva’s baby could be his? What is your take on Ian saying he always felt like he shouldn’t fall asleep in Malva’s presence?

Not really. I think he might somehow realize she's not to be trusted.

10. DG appears to be ganging up on Ian. There is the possibility that he will have to marry Malva, a woman he doesn’t love. All this on top of losing Emily because they couldn’t seem to have children.

It is a sad thing if this is what happens. But I have a feeling she may do something stupid. Not sure what, but it wouldn't surprise me if they marry and she runs off or tries to kill him or the baby. There's just not telling with Malva.

11. Roger and Jamie declare themselves Whigs, but Jamie does it but flashing a gemstone. How did you feel about that?

Surprised that he'd openly show it.

12. Claire finds the gate to her garden opened and upon investigation discovers Malva with her throat cut. She tries to save the baby but the child dies as well. Where you completely shocked by these turn on events?

A little yes, but my first thought was that Malva was framing Claire. Or that maybe Alan did it. I knew Claire would get accused of doing it.

13. Didn’t you just love Jamie, Roger, Ian and Joseph Wemyss going off to steal Joseph a bride? How much did you love that the Frau ended up showing up at their doorstep while the men were gone?

That was quite amusing.

14. Claire, Bree, Amy, Lizzie and Mrs. Bug sit around speculating about who killed Malva. They speculate about Bobby Higgins, Hiriam Crombie, and other married men on the Ridge. Do you have any suspects?

Well obviously Malva and Alan, perhaps Bobby, but I doubt it because I think he truly loved her. I doubt Ian too and maybe even her father could have done it.

I do find it rather amusing that Bree echoes what I said in other comments about it being the man who is most pious that has the drawer full of ladies undergarments. I didn't put it that way, but it is the exact same sentiment I expressed about Mr. Christie and beating Malva.

15. We discover that Bree suspects Ian of Malva’s murder. Do you think he could have done it and left Jamie and Claire to be blamed?

Not really, he loves Jamie too much to do that to him.

16. The Brown’s come to take Claire. Hiriam decides that Jamie should go to see to Claire’s safety and Tom steps forward to offer his presence. Did you catch the strangeness that Tom doesn’t acknowledge his son at all? Do you think this is just grief? What do you think Tom’s reasoning is for helping Jamie and Claire here?

Perhaps Tom thinks Alan did it too. And either Tom doesn't think Claire did it or his affection for her, which I still suspect, is causing him to see to her.

book: outlander-series, .discussions-book, ~book: 6-ashes

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