Outlander 2 broadcast date announced -- for Australia

Feb 05, 2016 14:44

As seen on Twitter today, season 2 of Outlander will begin airing in Australia on April 25.

It used to be that there would be an often significant gap (weeks, sometimes months) between when a US show aired in North America and when it would start airing in other jurisdictions, e.g. the UK and Australia. However, due to the rise of torrent sites, networks finally clued in that they couldn't afford huge gaps like that because fans would just torrent the show after it had aired in the US, so the gap is now usually much shorter. Episodes of major programs such as Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead now usually air in the UK the day after they are broadcast in the US.

So if the gap between the Aussie air date for Outlander and the US air date is fairly short, this could mean that Outlander might start airing in the US on April 23, or maybe only one week earlier than that, e.g. the 16th. Australia is getting Game of Thrones only one day later than North America is, so this might point to a mid- to late April premiere here in North America.

news: air dates

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