interests thing

Sep 21, 2005 23:58

LJ Interests meme results

  1. beer:
    Whats not to like? Goes great with pizza, chicken, tacos, steak, or any food really.
  2. conan o'brien:
    the best late night show guy cuz he's the funniest... the man's crazy
  3. dodge viper:
    dream car. i would prefer the coupe (not convertible) in a dark blue with two fat white racing stripes.
  4. honda:
    because I own a Honda and they make great, long-lasting cars.
  5. mlb:
    stands for Major League Baseball. I love the A's but I love pro baseball in general as well.
  6. pax217:
    a band that has just called it quits, but they were a cool band with a rock-reggae sound.
  7. sex:
    cuz sex is fun! why not sex?!?
  8. switchfoot:
    good band, going to their show on 10/18 in Sac and you should check out their new CD Nothing is Sound.
  9. the usa:
    cuz i live here and its the best country in the world. How do I know that? Because more people want in this country than any other country in the world. Thats how you know. But, yeah, I'm proud of it, and its worth fighting for.
  10. tree63:
    wow, 3rd band on this list. They're a rock/praise band from South Africa and their good man.

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