Jul 11, 2006 20:15
This weekend was...interesting to say the least. I went to Georgia's sleep over and OMG SHE CANNOT DRIVE!! SHE STOPPED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING HIGHWAY AND STARTED BACKING UP! WTF?!! Then we met Marcus and Drew and had them follow us to georgia's. Well, her car fucked up on the way there and we had to ride to her house with Drew and Marcus. When we got to Georgia's we went outside and hung out. This was at like midnight and Mego and I were by the trampoline with Drew. He was jumping up and down and rapping. God, it was fucking hilarious. Here's his rap, it's probably not entirely how he said it.
"I saw your mom at the grocery store,
She was wearing shorts up to here.
Fuck Yeah!
I turned on MTV and the new Britney Spears video was on.
You know the one where she shows all of her stuff.
I said Fuck Yeah!
I changed the channel and the news came on.
More Iraqi's died.
Fuck Yeah!
The new Alanis Morrisette Album came out,
And Julia Roberts died.
Fuck Yeah!"
And there were various versions. But it was great. Georgia decided that she wanted to date Drew again so she asked me to ask him if she had a chance. So I was like ok whatever. So I did and he was like she's a whore. Lol, we went inside and read Drew's future with Tarot Cards. Then Marcus and Drew had to leave so I decided now's my chance. So I left with them and was glad that I got out of there. So newsflash for anyone who doesn't know, I like Drew. Have since school. Sorry I didn't tell ya Ames! Lol.
I told Drew I liked him and he didn't know what to say. So know we are just getting to know each other. Marcus and Ames are rooting for us to get together. I hope we do. I actually want to open up to him and tell him everything. I want to know everthing about him and I want him to know everything about me. How weird is that? Well that's all for now.
Quote of the Day:
oh him..?
he just has the most adorable eyes
you could ever fall for
and the cutest smile
that will take your breath away
he has the ability
to make you laugh;;
everytime he speaks
&& when you look at him
its hard to turn away