Sep 10, 2007 20:56
narcissus - it begins in the eyes. that's where the shift begins, the blurring, the is possible to disappear, right before ourselves. stare long enough, gaze intently, madly even, and the image in the mirror disappears. there is certainly something that occupies that space, but as to who or what remains to find lucidity. it is hardly difficult to defamiliarize ourselves with - ourselves. we are all so full of perceptions, subjectivities, boxed-in thoughts and preconceptions that it isn't surprising that we might only see a a fragment of ourselves. but stare into this familiar face, body...and watch "yourself" dissimulate, deform, decentre. there is no bound up truth there...only what you've taken for granted each time you brush your teeth, brush your hair, shave, pinch a pimple, put on lipstick, try on clothes...we're convinced of the self in the reflection - we must be, for the certitude of a particular kind of existence - but with enough attention, enough focus, we might see something different, something we hadn't noticed before. it can be as glaring as a mole you hadn't paid attention to before, or it could be as subtle as a feeling...the feeling of a change, transformation, but swift, quiet, virtually unnoticed...the passing of a ghost, perhaps. a spectre unleashed, or relieved...since certainly, something has passed.
...we walking ghosts