Jul 07, 2010 07:07
So, the second night of the new schedule for my blue eyed boy didn't work out at all.
I can't even pin-point what went wrong, but it's been the worse night for sleep since he's been born. I think I've had a total of 2 hours. He's been wide awake since 5am.
So I'm calling last night a wash, and we'll try again tonight.
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Oooh, I'll have to check it out!
My biggest problem is that my little Boogie was a great sleeper - he's been sleeping at least from 12am until 6am since the first week he was born, and in the last couple of months, he's been sleeping from 7.30pm until 6.30am with a feed at 9pm and 12am.
my honey and I decided to try and change his sleep slightly - he wasn't feeding very much at his 9pm and 12am feeding, so we thought we would let him sleep through until 11pm and do both together, and then wake him up at 6am for a feed to get him used to eating before I have to go to work.
It woked beautifully yesterday - he even went back to sleep until 8am, and his daily schedule was as usual, but last night (well, this morning) he woke just about every hour, and was wide awake demanding a feed at 5am.
It's 9am here, and he's just gone down for a sleep again. He really hates naps.
heh - we have a basinette in our bedroom that he's been sleeping in, but he's going to have to go into a cot this week, as the base of the basinette is starting to bow...
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