A Queer Goodbye Party

Aug 27, 2009 08:24

On Tuesday after a quick nap after work I went to a friends goodbye Summer party.

It was a baby oil wrestling party. Which is fine - slightly outside of what I thought would be within the parameters of my comfort zone - but nonethless; fine. And only so because I really thought that I would just spectate from the sidelines - maybe cheer on some cute oily boys and girls.

A mickey of scotch quickly blurred the lines of what I thought was my comfort level.

I fought four different people. On a tarp. In someones backyard... While being sprayed by bottles of baby oil. And damn is that shit tricky to get off. Also, in hindsight; there were quite the few camera happy people flashing their way about... I hope they have the good sense to not post and tag on facebook... But I digress...

I thought I had escaped with just a few minor cuts and scrapes here and there... I walked Anna home... Walked the College Str/Little italy district drenched in baby oil from head to toe... Got home, showered - making a damn good attempt to rid myself of all the baby oil and crashed. The next day, normal life resumed. I have a scratch just bellow my eyebrow that got a few mentions but ultimately, no harm done.

Now today I wake up SORE like a mofo. I feel like kneaded cookie dough. There is bruising I was unaware of and my body aches EVERYWHERE.

Would I do it all again? In a second.
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