My tweets

May 12, 2011 00:21

  • Tue, 21:39: WHY DO AMERICAN TOWNS HAVE STUPID NAMES. Then again, Wagga Wagga doesn't do much better.
  • Wed, 02:49: #nowplaying Misery - The Warblers (Blaine and the Bips -。-;) on the way to a hockey game with (agro) Greystanes HS.
  • Wed, 05:20: JENSEN ACKLES I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES... okay, there's my fangirling session over.
  • Wed, 05:35: RT @ joshthomas87: I'm at the same movie as Richard Wilkins. I'm worried he's seen my tweets about his large head. Also worried I'll be s ...
  • Wed, 08:52: OMFG. @ DarrenCriss on @ 7PMProject! Dinner or 7PM Project? 7PM Project, of course!
  • Wed, 08:54: On an unrelated note, if you type "project" enough times, it looks like it's spelt weirdly. @ 7PMProject.
  • Wed, 10:22: RT @ DominicMBarnes: 12 hours to stop #uganda bill that would impose death penalty for being gay. Sign the petition!
  • Wed, 10:24: Please sign this petition to stop the Uganda bill that will impose a death penalty for homosexuals:
  • Wed, 10:49: I really liked Seaver when she first came on Criminal Minds... But now it's just like she's replacing JJ and Prentiss :|.
  • Wed, 11:47: Watching an old episode of Criminal Minds... I miss JJ so much!


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