Fic: The Note

Oct 18, 2014 22:12

Fandom: Avengers
Word count: 267
Pairing: one-sided Steve/Tony
Summary: The note is left on Steve's pillow, and Steve almost never finds it. Almost.

So there’s a lot I can’t tell you right now.

I can’t write here what I really want to say, because written communication? In our line of work?

Yeah, that’s just asking for something bad to happen.

But I can’t just disappear, not without saying this. Not without trying to let you know that I - that I would have never disappeared if I had had the choice. I just l I can’t be without I don’t have time for this. shit.

Look okay it’s not like you couldn’t have known, right? I mean fuck I wasn’t exactly subtle but I get it, because you have her, and let’s face it, I can’t really compete with that. I don’t even really wanna try, because you’re happy, and I can see it in your face.

So I hope you have a good life. You have this letter because I’ve fucked up - again - and obviously wasn’t clever enough to think my way out of it. And I wanted to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything I’ve ever done to hurt you because hell knows you never deserved any of it. I may not be sorry for my choices, but the fact that they killed hurt you is

Is a big part of my regrets.

I don’t want you to mope around you old fossil. Find something to keep you busy, even if it’s just training a new generation. Know that you, the team, all of you gave me hope purpose and to the end I thought of you all as family friends.

I lo I will miss you.


my writing, steve rogers, tony stark, avengers, marvel

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