Fandom Snowflake Challenge 2024, #10

Jan 21, 2024 04:25

Snowflake Challenge promotional banner featuring an image of a coffee cup and saucer on a sheet with a blanket and baby’s breath and a layer of snowflakes. Text: Snowflake Challenge January 1-31.

Challenge #10

Five Things! The five things are totally up to you. Post your answer to today’s challenge in your own space and leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

5 things I want to do this upcoming year:

  1. join a big bang and actually complete it on time, not rushing to write the last 3,000 words in a night
  2. paint a picture or do some kind of art on a canvas
  3. visit family or just have some kind of vacation where I chill in a room without doing anything
  4. figure out if I can do therapy on my health plan and then figure out who I can visit, or figure out how to get myself to fill out these self help journals
  5. figure out my financial situation and try to make it better

snowflake challenge 2024, about me, fandom snowflake challenge, fandom snowflake challenge 2024, #10five, goals

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