Poem: The Necessity of Definitions

Dec 25, 2015 08:56

Title: The Necessity of Definitions
Word Count: 119 words
Characters: N/A
Pairings: N/A
Warnings: N/A

Avenge - to inflict harm
    in return for
or on behalf of

They never know which one

Avenger - those that inflict harm
    in return for
or on behalf of

They claim the world
    in return for attacks aimed at their earth
on behalf of those hurt on their earth

They lie to themselves every day

The soldier, the warrior prince
    the spy - the assassin
the beast, raging, and the shallow businessman

Title - a name that describes
    someone’s position or job
but whose, they wonder

Because this job never existed until they created it

This position was formed to give them purpose

The position is necessary, needed
    or not
they cannot tell anymore

It is an answer they do not want

my writing, mcu, poetry, marvel

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