Challenge 10 - Drabble Time (Avland)

Jun 30, 2015 14:34

The Land of Opportunity
Rating: G
Characters: Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: canonical character death

It's the land of opportunity, or so they say. She thinks of her brother and her, crouched in an alley, waiting for shopkeepers to close up and leave in order to steal from the dumpsters, the refuse, and sees similar children crouched in alleys here.

Opportunity, she thinks, and scoffs.

America is too bright, too flashy, too big, too loud. Sokovia was quiet, rooted in myth and mysticism, and she misses it, the smell of the woods, the sounds of the language, dripping off people's tongues.

Opportunity, and here she stands, one half of a whole.

She hates it sometimes.

Alcohol and False Starts
Rating: T
Characters: Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Tony/Clint
Warnings: N/A

It's embarrassing to say that, very literally, it started with Tony vomiting on Clint's feet. Tony wasn't proud of it, but hey, Clint had gotten drunk and gotten naked, then paraded around the kitchen, so they'd both done things they weren't proud of, really.

It got better. It took a lot of stuttering movements forward, and then a couple back, and then sidesteps one way or the other. It culminated into Clint's feet in his lap, Dum-E leaning on Clint's head, trading quips and barbs and kisses over the course of the day.

Tony wouldn't change it for the world.

Meeting Tony Stark (Midnight)
Rating: T
Characters: James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Tony Stark
Warnings: drug references

James hadn't ever really stayed up late in high school - or, rather, he had, but only sparingly. His mother was a doctor and was strict with her children on bedtimes, nutrition, and work ethic, so it seemed he'd never done anything interesting.

Then, of course, he met Tony Stark.

The rest, as they say, was history.

Tony Stark was linked to his first all-nighter, his first joint, his first tequila shot, his first threesome, his first hooker. Tony Stark was a comet, burning brightly, and James found himself pulled into Tony's orbit, a protector and an audience all in one.

Affection and Care
Rating: G
Characters: Pepper Potts
Warnings: N/A

There aren't many memories Pepper has with her father. But she remembered his smile, his uneasy way of dealing with affection, his care that could be overwhelming. The clearest memory she has is at a soccer game when she was seven. He came to watch and then swung her up on his shoulders and took her for ice cream. He ended up buying her seven scoops, of all her favorites, and then tentatively rubbing her stomach. Her mother had been incensed.

Sometimes, when Pepper sees Tony, she sees the same discomfort. And it touches her, probably more than it should.

Over Time, Things Change
Rating: G
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes
Warnings: N/A

There was a time Steve could finish Bucky's sentences, and times Bucky could predict which way Steve would break when running from the latest bully. There was a time when Bucky could lift his eyebrow a certain way and Steve would bust up laughing; a time that Steve could huff and Bucky would say "Right."

Now, Steve measures his friendship with Bucky by the number of times the corner of Bucky's mouth lifts, the number of times Bucky forgets to check that he has all his weapons strapped on.

And he wouldn't give it up for anything in the world.

my writing, mcu, avland challenge, avengers

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