Sep 20, 2006 21:29
i do not care. i simply do not care. perhaps i am just off to a bad start? i really don’t think that is it, actually. i do not think that is the case at all. i suppose i have just gotten to the point of reality. i have realized that high school is doing nothing for me. it is rather depressing, really, if one considers the amount of time and effort, the attention and detail that has been invested in this cheap pageantry. it all sickens me.
i take nothing from the exaltation of skill and talent, this parade ground for child prodigies. the spit out numbers, produced by computers and mechanically recited. dates, algorithms, prostituted imitations of the great languages. english, ever evolving, lays dying in its own wasteland, reduced to child’s play as the number crunchers take the lead, their infallible answers an assurance to the drug-fed breed that is the new generation.
we’re failing, but you cannot see it. no one is made so painfully aware of the falling sensation. no one even stirs at the thought. morphine addicts with a fixation for perfection, we are numb to truth. perception is reality, so says Locke, and we perceive the plastic beauty, not the raw pain.
i love to learn but am disgusted by my options. high school is only the best four years of your life if you do not give a damn about ranking and academic devotion. how is it that i have become caught in this high strung game, training to be a well behaved show monkey? she reads! she writes! she does arithmetic! by god, sometimes she even thinks! oh, the small miracles of mankind.
call me a heretic, but i think this is all complete bullshit. when did knowledge mean knowing more than the next person? when did education become a competition? i miss learning for the enjoyment of learning. there is no fun in this brainwashing disguised as the american education system. standardization is the bane of successful education.
school is bullshit. grading systems are bullshit. ranking is bullshit. i am no bitter, low totem speaking. i have been shoved into this frenzy because i am intelligent. i have a capacity for knowledge, a higher level of understanding. then why do i not “succeed?” i do not knock myself to the ground, headed straight for a burnout because i do not see the merit. for this stress and labor, what shall i win? what will be my gain? i take little satisfaction from an A paper. chewed up and spat out. i earn nothing.
high school is but an insignificant occurrence in life’s grander scheme, a blip on the map of eternity. for some, high school is definitive in the mind’s eye, but it has no real value. we learn to be dependent, only to be thrust into a world require self sufficiency.
the formal education itself is minor. from high school, i have taken experience and inspiration, all created by the individual. little knowledge will follow me from this place, this institution that breeds failure. i will neither be able to solve pi from four years of mathemetics, nor will i be able to speak spanish from years of making art projects. this is trivial pursuit at its finest.