Serious Business

Feb 07, 2009 23:20

Who: Kieran, Lauren.
What: Interrogation
Where: Ixian Consular Office
When: February 10th, 6: 30

Kieran growled when a knock at the door interrupted her paperwork. There was too much of it to do and that was bound to be more. She didn't understand it. Suddenly, Her Majesty was insisting on every i dotted and every t crossed.

It had to be that Cain's fault. His lack lustre security measures had allowed a serial killer into the palace and this had driven Olympia into a panic. There was no other explanation.

Instead of calling out, she got up and opened the door herself. Her mood was not improved by the person on the other side. "Get lost!" she hissed at Lauren, slamming the door back on the other woman's face.

She was back at her desk when Lauren walked in anyway. "Nice," Lauren snarked.

"I'm busy."

"Here, let me help you." She pushed all the paperwork off the desk and onto the floor. Kieran stood up, pulling out her knife. Lauren pulled out her gun.

Kieran's eyes bulged. "You forget your place! How dare you pull a gun on me! I'm a Lady of Ix!"

"Yeah, that title, because you sure as hell don't live it, is the only thing keeping me from pulling this fucking trigger, so help me."

"You finally made your fatal mistake, Lauren," Kieran snarked. "I am so glad I was here to see it."

"Oh, yeah?"

"I'll have you executed for insubordination. It'll be quite a show," she smirked.

"Ok, but you won't be there to see it," Lauren remarked back.

"Really? You think I haven't got security in this place?" she pressed a button and the door opened. The Ixian guard stepped inside. "Arrest her." The Ixian looked to Lauren but didn't move. "She's committing an act of treason, arrest her!"

"This isn't treason," Lauren smirked. "But the charges against you are." She pulled out a piece of parchment from behind her and tossed it onto the table. She indicated it with her gun.

Keiran opened it. "This is fucking bullshit!" she spat throwing the thing at Lauren. Given that it was paper, it missed her completely.

With the guard here, now glaring at Keiran, Lauren could shrug and reholster her weapon. She picked up the page from the floor. "Actually, it's more like an arrest warrant. Would you like me to read the charges out to you?"

"I would," the guard replied with interest.

"Ok. You are charged with 'accessory to kidnapping, after the fact, accessory to rape, after the fact, protecting a male criminal charged with abuse of a female monarch, dereliction of duty', that's for damaging our relations with another matriarchy, cause you're supposed to be an ambassador. And, well, you got the gist. Uh... you got the right to remain silent. If you should chose to, uh, waive that right, then anything you say may be taken down and used in evidence against ya. And you got a right to an attorney. You can't afford that, uh, we'll get you one. But you can afford that, right?"

"I never knew Zero was going to do anything!"

"Stupidity is not an excuse," Lauren retorted. "Besides, this ain't about that bastard. This is about the other bastard. Uh... Thomas Dawson. Yeah?"

"You got fantastic choice in men, Your 'Ladyship'," the guard sneered.

"You gonna come quiet?" Lauren pulled out restraints.

"What if... what if, I give you Dawson?" Keiran asked.

Lauren's eyes narrowed at her. "Might buy you a quick death... if I put a word in. If Her Highness is happy."

"Where is he?" the guard asked.

"The Realm. There's this tavern..."

"Show me," Lauren commanded.

dawson, kieran, lauren

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