Hallway Kismet

Aug 23, 2008 18:35

Who: Johnson, Dave, Angela
What: Johnson and a certain little girl meet...
When: February 2nd, Noon.
Where: Hallway, Guards Wing.

Hello..? )

02/02, angela, johnson, dave

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Comments 20

angela_konner August 24 2008, 05:13:14 UTC
Somehow, she had wandered from the palace infirmary, and hadn't realized how far exactly she had gone. When lost in her thoughts, time and distance often escaped her, and she would find herself, sometimes in another town, or another part of the building she had currently been in ( ... )


guard_of_az August 24 2008, 05:24:55 UTC
The girl was not dressed like the child of a noble, his shrewd gaze took that in immediately. Her clothing was somber, shades of grey, hints of black. Knowing nothing of dress styles, he could not place where exactly in the O.Z. she was from, but he would bet a week's pay that she was not from one of the cities. More likely a small village, or from the country ( ... )


angela_konner August 24 2008, 06:19:30 UTC
Shying a little bit to the side as "Johnson" kneeled before her, Angela fidgeted slightly. Her grandfather, Mister Konner, had raised her, telling her to always look people in the eye as they spoke to you. "It shows that you're strong." he had told Angela at age nine, his cold dark brown gaze forever burned into her mind in that memory ( ... )


guard_of_az August 24 2008, 07:08:43 UTC
The girl raised her head to look at him, pinning him with her golden green gaze, and something twisted in his gut at the fear he saw in her eyes. As well as the fact that she moved away from him as he knelt to the ground. It was not like the odd, yet endearing redhead Scraps. She shied away from nearly all people to a degree, especially men, in an entirely instinctive action that revealed pain as being a part of her past. This one seemed to be more of a calmer reaction, but a negative one nonetheless ( ... )


purplerhino August 24 2008, 23:59:02 UTC
"Yeah, we were talking about it. But... I mean.... we just met this kid. She isn't a puppy." Dave tried to be reasonable, because one of them had to be. It was his turn.

Of course, if they adopted, how long would they know the adoptee anyway. There wasn't trial runs.

You just didn't pick up a cute kid in the hallway and decide to take her home.

Unless you're a princess.

"Look, no matter what, we'll have to report her. It's our legal responsibility. We can... offer to keep her here until other plans are made."

Okay, his turn to be the asshole as well.

She was adorable. And lost. And grieving. The poor little thing had been through hell recently. She didn't need the additional turmoil of an orphanage, no matter how well run they were.

If they did do this... it was insane.. but if they did it, lots of forms, approvals and such would take place.

The same as if they chose one out of a hundred at an orphanage.

Dave ran a hand down his face. He was so leaning towards this crazy idea.


angela_konner August 25 2008, 04:49:28 UTC
Angela sat back down quietly, listening to the adults converse. Another thing that she had been taught was now put into play: listen, and not speak while adults are talking. Angela's manners were impeccable, and there was never a time that she had dropped her fork, spilt her soup, or interrupted a grown-up talking time.

Wondering vaguely what they meant by comparing her to a puppy, the small twelve-year-old looked up at Johnson, who met her eyes. Was this the part where they take her by the arm and drag her to the orphanage, where they would treat her as a servant? Or was this the part where they keep her as a servant here in the palace.

Wait... Did Dave just say that they would offer to keep her, even just for a little while? Her eyes sparkled a little bit, seeing as even a young girl like her knew how terrible an orphanage could be; after all, her grandfather had threatened her with taking her there many-a-time.


guard_of_az August 25 2008, 07:18:18 UTC
Born and raised to be a soldier, with a soldier's way of thinking, Johnson's sense of logic was simple and practical. Soldier's logic. So the idea brewing was not insanity to him, but instead pure and simple sense ( ... )


purplerhino August 25 2008, 15:17:20 UTC
Dave looked over to the girl, who was trying to pretend she wasn't overhearing the whole conversation. Odd, as he knew he'd kept his voice low. Huh. She had sneaking potential.

"Hey, it was my turn to be logical. You're on tomorrow." Dave defended, hands in the air as a sign of surrender.

She's old enough to make her own choices here. It's her life." Dave made sure that was loud enough.

"So, what do you say, Angel? You interested in staying with the grumpy stuffed bear and me until things are straightened out?"

Even if they did petition to adopt, there was always that chance they would be denied. Most likely because of their dangerous jobs. But that could be fought as a lot of guards had children, and they each had the ear of a princess. Dave wasn't above petitioning help if it was important enough.

Oh well, his own thought process pretty much told him they were gonna try this.

He could practically hear Greg smirking knowingly at him.


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