Who: Gabriel and Az
Where: Az's room.
When: January 23rd, evening
What: Gratuitous exploitation of relationships for information.
Peter leaving was the last thing Gabriel had ever expected. In fact, he had known the moment he and the kid had kissed that he would be the one doing the leaving. But alas, for all the ways the viewer had tried to appear bad
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"Yes but, should an emergency arise, you would be the most suitable heir." Her reluctance could be dealt with... Gabriel would just be single handedly responsible for her psychological shift, gentle nudge by gentle nudge. He shook his head sadly at the way she put herself as low on the list as longcoats, but the irony in her statement did not go unnoticed, at least to his inner workings. She was right above the longcoats... or at least, she had been at one time. "Don't say that, Az. You know the OZ would rather have you as a Queen long before a longcoat..."
He shifted, perhaps a little nervously, when she caught his irritated sigh. It had not been meant to be heard, but Az was particularly keen oh his emotions at the moment, given the situation he was using as his alibi for the coversation. And so he continued to ride on its coat tails. "Sorry," he said softly. "My mind drifted away from me... to Peter." His head nestled on the top of her lowered head, a hand winding its way into her hair to take advantage of the situation.
At least he could be sure any mention of Peter would suppress her suspicion.
A light grin came as she nudged him. "No, we can't turn it off." Gabriel knew that first hand. No matter how well he acted the part of the good guy, his heart was black.
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