Interesting Education

Jun 19, 2008 20:05

Who: Scraps, Glitch (hopefully)
When: January 23rd, 2 PM
Where: Library again
What: scientific research

The other day she had finally slunk back to the lab after talking with Sarah, Glitch was gone.  The compass was still there in pieces.  She knew they could make it work now, so she carefully set the whole project out on velvet the way it had ( Read more... )

01/23, glitch, scraps

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scraps_molly June 21 2008, 15:47:26 UTC
Scraps smiled hugely and flung her arms around Glitch.

Impulsiveness was one of her biggest traits, and it didn't matter that being impulsive got her all confused in the first place.

If the top of her head didn't just fall short of his shoulder she would likely have kissed him again in front of all these people. It had been easier when he was sitting down. After all, one needed to see if the results were consistent to prove any theory.

"I was researching." She explained. "I was confused and thought the books would have answers. But that turned up and all the women males are apparently attracted to look like Azkadellia only blond. Big up there, and tall, and I was wondering what percentage of the male population preferred that type."

Science mind was currently warring with something else she couldn't name at the moment.

She was pretty certain she definitely liked Glitch in the way with butterflies and tingles. They certainly seemed to appear on a semi-consistent basis. But she also liked her friend, dance partner, and sometimes protector. Could they all fit together better than her parts or would they just get confused in a jumble?


shiny_glitch July 8 2008, 23:35:08 UTC
Glitch stumbled backwards as Scraps nearly tackled him back against the table which she had previously been sitting upon.
My goodness!
The black haired man smiled a little and pat her on the head. "Well, you will be delighted to find that many men prefer many different kinds of women, Scraps!" He chirped, gently prying the cute little rag-doll of a girl from him, for modesty's sake.

He beamed at her. "They also prefer many different kinds of sports and dogs!"


scraps_molly July 12 2008, 02:05:11 UTC
"Do men consider women the same as sports and dogs?" Scraps wrinkled her nose at that idea.

"Oh no, I'm sure they don't." He backtracked.

Scraps looked Glitch directly in the eyes. Silver to chocolate brown. “Did you feel tingly when I kissed you?”

Glitch appeared to think then carefully nodded.

Scraps smiled brightly. “I felt like sunshine. It was strange.”

Glitch looked surprised now, him mouth dropping slightly open. “You can feel sunshine?”

Scraps nodded. “Of course. Warm and golden on your skin. But kissing you made me feel that way inside.”

“Ooh.” Glitch seemed to understand her meaning now.

“I never felt warm and tingly from a kiss before. I never tried to kiss a man either.” She confessed, eyelids lowering.

Glitch blinked, once again surprised. “Never?”

Scraps shook her head. “Nope. Never ever. I just knew that bad things came from kissing. Can't remember what. But I didn't even think about it before kissing you.”

Scraps was standing practically on top of Glitch, but he didn’t seem to mind the invasion of space. “But what kinds of bad things could have happened to you? The worst thing that's ever happened to me, I think...I don't recall.”

Scraps frowned and her brow wrinkled. “Most men are mean. I remember hurting. Kissing sometimes mean hurting. a lot.”

Glitch appeared to be really sad, his eyes kind and wounded. “I’m sorry.”

Scraps was confused and a little fearful. “You’re sorry I kissed you?”

Glitch seemed to hold back a chuckle. “AH! No! Not at all! I rather enjoyed it.”

“Oh, good. I'm sorry I ran away. It scared me. I'm still a mouse sometimes.” She blushed, which helped her skin blend a bit into her multitude of freckles. She must have confused him. But then she had confused herself.

Glitch lay a hand on her shoulder and offered her a small smile once more. “ It's alright. Mice can be very cute.”

“ I'm cute? Like a puppy or kitten? Because mice are related to rats and rats are awful, smelly, disgusting things that bite and scratch.”

Glitch spoke quickly, “ Like a puppy or a kitten. Not like a rat. Rats are evil creatures, used oftenly in witch’s potions.”

Scraps shuddered. “Oh, good. Because I really, really hate rats. “

“I dont hate you. I don't think I couldn't, even if you were a rat,” the former advisor assured her.

“ You'd like me if I were a rat? That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.” Now she was feeling all warm inside.

“I'd like you if you were anything, I'm pretty sure.” Glitch nodded as if to himself. “It's just an upside that you're you!”

Scraps hugged Glitch again. “Thank you. I feel better now. You're one of my best friends ever.” Her face lit up as another thought came to her. “Hey, did you see the gears and tumblers that open some of the doors in the catacombs? Like a safe. I could show you if you promise to keep the rats away.”

Glitch scratched his head and considered the offer. “Oh. Is it safe down there? They are catacombs...but I do like gears and tumblers...”

“ Well, if you want safe... You could teach me that Flamingo dance, and I might have a dance to show you.” Scraps was looking for something to do now, to move her body. It didn’t really matter what it was.

“Would you really like me to?” A happy smile lit up Glitches face. It was as if someone had offered him a birthday present.

“ I love to dance. And I've never seen a flamingo dance before.” And she loved to learn new things, even if she didn’t always remember them.

“ I believe they're pink. Should we wear pink, also?”

Scraps shook her head and nudged Glitch’s shoulder. “You'd look silly in pink. You look nice in red though.” She blushed once more as the words slipped out.

“Really? Well, we shall dress in red then!” He announced with perfect authority.

Just then someone in the library made a shushing noise. “Will you two get a room already. Some of us are trying to read.”

Scraps stuck her nose in the air and took hold of Glitch’s hand and pulled him along out of the library. They had some dancing to do.

(Joint post by scraps_molly and shiny_glitch)


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