
Jun 03, 2008 16:03

Who: Dawson & Kieran
What: Sparring
When: January 22nd, 2 PM.
Where: Gym

The entire day she'd spent in this gym. First doing warm ups and her own training, and then she'd taken to training with others as Wyatt Cain had asked on the night of the ball. Kieran held back at first with those who she didn't expect to be strong, but was surprised when they ( Read more... )

01/22, dawson, kieran

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thomas_dawson June 5 2008, 09:57:35 UTC
Dawson was neither an idiot nor a genius, although he definitely had his moments of both scattered around his life. But he knew, as most men do, that he knew abso-fucking-lutely nothing about how the fuck women's minds worked. One of the reasons he hated them. The reason he hated nearly all men was because he did know how the fuck their godsdamned minds worked.

What the fuck was she playing at? He wanted to just fucking kill her when she was like this, which was most of the godsdamned time to be really fucking honest. Zero had been right when he had told him to get the fuck out while he could, kill her and continue on with life. It was far more fucking simple, that was sure as shit.

He tilted his head at her comments, twirling the sparring rods in each hand again. "Logi-fucking-cal I fucking suppose," he agreed. Well, fuck. If she did not give a flying flaming nun fuck, why the fuck should he? Dawson was sick as a motherfucking bastardized son of a dog of trying to figure out what the fuck she meant. Could she not just fucking say what she meant? It would be way more godsdamned easier on them both.

"Fine. There's a little fucking blonde I used to play with before...maybe I'll go fucking track her the fuck down before I leave. Hmm?" One last prod and he was fucking out for good. She could either react or fucking now, what the fuck ever.


kieran_goodman June 5 2008, 21:06:02 UTC
Of course it was logical, sort of. No she didn't want him to touch any other woman, never, but the odds of them meeting again were slim. After all she was sure that she would be watched like a hound her entire time in the O.Z, and then when she went to IX there was going to be a lot of things that she had to do, leaving little to no time for her rounds with Dawson. He wasn't the one woman type, and he wouldn't if he knew she wasn't going to be around. So why was he playing this card?

"What do you want me to say Dawson? That I don't want you to go near any females for the rest of your life? That's true. It's also not who you are. If I tried to change you it'd be the end of whatever the fuck we have. You'd be sure of that." Did he want to hear that she wanted him? Too bad, he should already know that. She wouldn't have kept the little fling going if she didn't, and neither would he.

What was the point in mentioning someone else? Did he want to get threatened?


thomas_dawson June 9 2008, 01:34:42 UTC
"I don't fucking know, godsdamn it." Well that was one of the first truths to cross his lips in at least a day. If not longer. Besides threatening Sweetness earlier, but that had been a promise to damage, not anything real and potentially dangerous to him.

This entire situation was nothing he knew or even remotely understood. And fuck, Ozma, he did not want to be sucked into the mass of confusion the whole thing fucking was.

"Fuck this, we'll just have our fun for the next couple of fucking days." He looked down at the sparring sticks he held. Well, might as well get her somewhat worked up, even if she knocked him on his ass. He had little illusions about her hand to hand combat skills, or his shitty ones. Actually, he could use this time to improve them, be useful when he found Gordie and figured out some fucking way to cause more mayhem.

"And keep me the fuck away from Cain's fuckhead second in command, that freak thought I was way to fucking attractive for my own good." He twirled the sticks experimentally. "Come the fuck on, let's play."


kieran_goodman June 10 2008, 22:38:15 UTC
Well then there it was, neither one of them knew what the fuck to say and so it was coming out all wrong. Kieran wasn't a total heartless bitch but if she admitted she had more then just lust-like feelings for him he'd laugh at her, and despite the fact it usually wouldn't matter, for some reason it would if he did. At least about that.

So maybe all this time with these sappy people was having an effect on her. Maybe she should just go back to IX and do the fucking mating dance with whatever man they had for her, have her kid and then live out the rest of her life. Not like Dawson would give a flying fuck.

As he twirled the sticks in his hand she took a step towards him, moving hers around in her fingers comfortably. "Almost got ass-raped." She laughed at that before moving towards him, leaving little room for any conversation or sounds aside from the ones that breathed into the air as her batons moved towards his weak points.


thomas_dawson June 11 2008, 18:42:53 UTC
"S'not that fucking funny," or funny at all. No matter how karmically fitting that would have been for a Longcoat like him, he did not give a flying nun-fuck about karmic balance. Only kind of balance he cared about was how the weapons he handled were balanced.

Holding one of the sparring rods still, he continued to spin the other one restlessly. Why did he get the feeling his ass was about to be handed to him in a very deliberate and perfectly executed fashion?

She was fast, he had known that obliquely but had not seen all that much of it in practice. Pulling the sticks into the path of hers, he was barely able to block the blows. Once they were glanced off, he attempted to land a strike higher on her body, towards his shoulder. He might as well attempt to use his superior height against her, right?

Fuck, she better be prepared to kiss what damage she did to him better.


kieran_goodman June 11 2008, 18:51:41 UTC
Oh but it was so very funny. Especially because he thought that he was the hottest damned thing to grace these lands, and now someone else thought it too, apparently.

He was about to get his ass handed to him in so many ways, it was going to be very amusing on her behalf. He wouldn't like it because she was a woman and she could literally kill him if it was a real battle, but that wouldn't be necessary. Not yet.

Her mind was in battle mode instantly, and as he went up high with his batons, the two that were now held in one of her hands blocked it before bringing them around and smacking him on the ass. Taking a few steps backwards she grinned, twirling the batons in her hand before stopping and waiting for his reaction.


thomas_dawson June 11 2008, 19:14:45 UTC
Son of a diseased whore! Not only did she block his attack, easily, but she FUCKING OW hit him across the ass. His face twisted into a grimace as stepped forward in a jerky, pained movement. Gods above that fucking hurt like a bitch! Godsdamn it, not fucking fun.

One of his hands came down to rub at the sore muscle of his ass for a second, keeping the other rod up. He would not put it past her to attack while he was nursing his wounds. Fuck, he would have. And had in the past, a thousand times over. It was easier to take down your enemies if they were only have recovered from the initial attack.

Also why they burned the crops of farms known to belong to people in the Resistance. Starving people were less likely be able to fight back properly.

His moment of grimacing and rubbing the eventual bruise was soon over, could not let your guard down even that much for long. He preferred only relinquishing his weapons when he was sure her hands were otherwise occupied.

A sneer was on his face as he raised both sticks again, his eyes narrowed. He attacked again, this time more cautiously, one high and one low. No need to rush in and get his ass beaten black and blue faster than it needed to.


kieran_goodman June 11 2008, 19:18:15 UTC
Poor thing, his ass hurt. Raising an eyebrow at him as he turned to face her with a death glare almost she held her batons ready and moved towards him. He may be trained in weapons but he used guns, and hand to hand - and while this was a weapon of sorts it wasn't really either that he knew how to do.

The batons had an odd sense of balance in them and it was hard to get used to them right away.

Moving towards him she went high then low with her batons, not attempting to hit him persay as his weapons, she wasn't going to beat him entirely the fuck up but .. somewhat. After all then they would know that she didn't think of him as special. They'd see that he was being treated like any other man from IX. Or so they thought.


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