Glitch! Guess what *I* did!

Feb 20, 2008 20:21

Who: Scraps, Glitch, open
When: January 9th, afternoon
Where: Ambrose's lab
What: Oh reporters and compasses

“Glitch! Guess what?”  Scraps almost danced into the lab and sat down to begin trying to finish the compass Ambrose had started.  He never finished the design.  It was supposed to point to where you wanted to go, not to the north.  Without a magic user fueling it.

She picked up the box and the very tiny tweezers to try again.

“I ran into those ree-port-urs you told me about.  I know you said I shouldn’t talk to them.” Even if he couldn’t recall why at the time.  “But that would be rude.  They’re very tiny, you know.  Makes the mouse look big.  But too small for the cats to eat.”

She looked over to where Glitch was sitting, unable to get a word in, so far.

“And I can’t lie well.  So I just talked to them.  I told them whatever went through my head at the time.  They seemed funny, but listened nice.  My many minds have been bouncy today anyway.”

She grabbed the huge magnifying glass and started to try to follow half drawn directions.

“It wasn’t so bad.  I don’t think they were happy, though.  It was easy to talk to them.  But best to not try to focus.”

01/09, glitch, scraps

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