Sep 12, 2005 04:56
Today was ookay. I looked like shit today, being that I only had 5 minutes to get ready & I was so tired.
English- Went to the Library to get our SSR books, or whatever. Trevor was like stealing everyones books and stuff and running off with them.
Math- I don't even remember what we did. haha.
Social Studies- Mr.Dean was giving out "Picks from the basket" stamps and I didn't have my planner so hes like "You can go get you're planner but be back in 2 minutes" & my lockers all the way across the school practically. Haha so I was running in the halls and 6th graders were in lunch and their all like "AWE YOU CANT RUN!, THATS NOT ALOUD!" haha.
lunch- Basically just hung out with Jackie and Nina. yupp fun.
Core Skills- Talked to Connor. Hes suck a funny kid. Mrs.Stringers really nice. Everyone said that she's really mean.
Science- Ugh, I'm starting to hate science. I don't get anything, and other reasons.
Art- Wow, I'm so happy that I switched encores, Arts pretty sweet. haha.
Orchestra- Mrs.Whites getting so mad at me latley. Because I still dont have my money for my book because I keep on forgetting it. & she found out that I havnt been tuning my viloin. oops haha.