An Apology and a way forward: SDAM 2010 Survey

Apr 30, 2010 17:46

Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to invite everyone (All interested parties, friends, affiliates, even naysayers) to take part in our first annual SDAM survey.

I personally have spent a bit of time considering how we have progressed lately and realised that it is due time that we seek a more integrated approach to managing SDAM. I've come to the realisation that I have let everyone down with my personality, particularly a fair dose of narcissism and running the show like a tyrant. This has been particularly taxing on the team - so please accept my sincere apologies. It is in the best interests that I take a more service-orientated approach using what tools at our disposal to formulate a more tangible improvement over mistakes committed.

Looking forward, I've spent some time putting together a database driven survey (rather than relying on survey monkey that has limited applications) that would be highly effective in getting quantifiable feedback from all community members and beyond. Communication, afterall, is the key :)

Please don't be daunted by the scale and detail! Not all sections are mandatory and you can return to edit your submissions up till June 2010.The survey has a wide range of options that cover most if not all areas of the SDAM machine. Completing the survey will greatly aid us in the decision making process of how we can advance. In coming weeks, I will be trying to program an algorithm to process the backend of the survey as well which could have various positive uses for the community.

If I missed anything, by all means, please let me or Dalsix Höðr Visser (dalif [at] know.

The survey is located here:
Please note you have to register on the site (This is mainly to prevent repeat submissions for accuracy)

Hope to see more of you at Heart of Darkness tomorrow:


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