I just watched the first episode of the new series of Doctor Who and it was damn good! I shouldn't be surprised as everyone's been raving about it for years BUT I've seen two of the Tennant Christmas specials and I really did not get the appeal. Frankly, I thought they were awful.
& a little more about the same. mostly spoilerless. )
It does feel like it's been a while - understandable what with the moving and the internetlessness. It's lovely to see you here again though! ♥
JUST REMEMBER I ALWAYS LOVE YOU!!!! i'll comment nonsense all over the show from now on :P
I KNOW IT! AND ILYT! ♥ do your worst! XD I'm working away at the BBC today otherwise I would propose a commentspam extraordinaire!
BBC funtimes 8D gonna do anything spectacular in your break? (how much longer is your break?) any gigs? i just spent the weekend (after a full night out in Nagoya) in my apartment, i'm so lame! hehe, but i needed it, and now i'm mostly unpacked :))
Funtimes, indeed. Monday morning meeting in 3 minutes! Woot! Not doing anything spectacular. Only two weeks left! I keep seeing gigs I fancy but I've not actually been to any. I should. Chilling in your apartment is totally a valid way to spend a weekend. Gotta familiarise yourself with your new surroundings. (:
hehe good luck! two weeks, oh long as uni holidays....still lots of time for gigs if there's a good one! speaking of gigs, INORAN is playing Nagoya on a saturday, doors open at 5. i'll hoping to hell my saturday night schedule stays open but i'm afraid i have a late class starting in may. omg i can't miss him, i CAAAAN'T ;A;
i got six classes in a row tomorrow...hope my probably-not-enough-planning works out >.>; (will go in early, methinks). yeah i feel bad though because i haven't really seen much of gifu itself yet! next weekend i think i'll check out the castle :))
This holiday has been seriously massive. 5 weeks in total. It's crazy. I really hope you get to see INORAN! It'd be sooo sucky if your schedule messed it up for you. )): Seeing Ino would be EPIC!
Six classes in a row? Ouch. I hope they go smoothly but I'm guessing the fact that they're new classes for you will mean it could go either way as you can't really know what they atmosphere'll be like and what kind of level they're all at. Still, wait and see, I guess! I hope the castle's as magic as Himeji.
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