Dear internet,
Am I the only one who saw similarities between War & Rahm Emanuel? I'd better not be. I've just skimmed a fuckload of meta and no one seems to have had the same thoughts. Here's how it is:
The most basic point is that the guy who played War looked a little like Emanuel, mostly insubstantial stuff like being the same sorta age & having similar hair but then there was the stripey tie - it was red but apart from that just like the blue & white ones Emanuel seems to wear a lot. Also: they cut off his finger. Not the right one but hiiiii, I see you.
I think I'm probably just crazy but I saw it and I was like whaaaat and wanted to ask the Americans why parallels would be drawn because I don't actually know that much about Emanuel because I am English & no one here cares about him. Obviously I am just crazy.
This is all.
I'm going to a festival now to see local bands and not get distracted by improbable things I notice in TV shows. Yessss.